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Anna sur Arte: where was the post-apocalyptic series filmed? – News Series on TV

Lucie Reeb

Journalist series

Passionate about series since a young age, she watches everything, but keeps a special place in her heart for series for teens.

This Thursday night, Arte broadcasts the last 3 episodes of “Anna”, a post-apocalyptic Italian series created by Niccolò Ammaniti, already the originator of “Il miracolo”. Did you recognize the island that served as the setting?

Anna – saison 1 Bande-annonce VO”,”duration”:122,”view_count”:15187,”added_at”:{“date”:”2021-09-02 14:31:00.000000″,”timezone_type”:3,”timezone”:”Europe/Paris”},”metas”:{“genre_main_series”:[{“name”:”Drame”,”id”:”13008″},{“name”:”Science fiction”,”id”:”13021″}],”id_main_season”:36890,”id_main_series”:25580,”image_main_series”:”/pictures/21/09/17/17/17/2744704.jpg”,”localized_file_type”:”trailer”,”main_season_number”:1,”main_season_rating”:3.125,”main_season_user_note_count”:5,”main_series_rating”:3.62164092,”name_main_season”:”Anna – Saison 1″,”name_main_series”:”Anna”,”release_status_series”:”Terminu00e9e”,”trans_file_type”:”Bande-annonce”},”relatedEntityType”:”series”,”relatedEntityTrackingIdentifier”:”25580-anna”,”relatedEntityTitle”:”Anna”,”relatedEntityId”:25580,”relatedEntityUrl”:”ACraHRACr0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWxsb2NpbmUuZnIvc2VyaWVzL2ZpY2hlc2VyaWVfZ2VuX2NzZXJpZT0yNTU4MC5odG1s”,”mediaUrl”:”ACraHRACr0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWxsb2NpbmUuZnIvdmlkZW8vcGxheWVyX2dlbl9jbWVkaWE9MTk1OTM3MzcmY3NlcmllPTI1NTgwLmh0bWw=”,”entityStatus”:”terminee”}],”disablePreroll”:false,”disablePostroll”:false}” data-thumb=”https://fr.web.img6.acsta.net/r_640_360/videothumbnails/21/09/02/14/32/4397768.jpg”>

Since last Thursday, Arte has been broadcasting Anna, a post-apocalyptic series adapted from the eponymous novel by Niccolò Ammaniti in which a deadly virus has eradicated the entire adult population of Earth. We follow a young teenager there, who will have to cross a desolate Sicily where nature has taken back its rights in order to find her little brother victim of a kidnapping.

So it was in Sicily that Niccolò Ammaniti chose to set up his cameras to film Anna, placing the action in the same place as his novel. And for the author, it was essential to shoot there, because the place is a full-fledged character in the story.

The idea of ​​Sicily came to me long before I started the series”, He explained during a press briefing. “To write the novel, I went to Sicily to visit the place. For me the virus could not exist if there was no place.”

While going to the island, I realized that it was a place where anything is possible. It’s near Italy, but Sicily is separated by a strait that you have to cross to be able to go elsewhere. So it was perfect for Anna.”

And to find the perfect places to shoot the series, Niccolò Ammaniti traveled all over the island: “I explored all the Sicilian dwellings, all the trees, the rivers and the roads. I think I have become the greatest Sicilian expert in the world (laughs). ”

The last 3 episodes of Anna can be found tonight from 8:55 pm on Arte. The series is already available in full on Arte.tv.

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