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Anna Dymna is devastated. You received this message-o2

Anna Dymna is very popular. She is undoubtedly one of the most respected and loved actresses in our country. The star combines artistic activity with helping the needy.

His foundation “However” is very active. Dymna constantly has a lot of ideas to develop this project. One of them is to create a retirement home for people with Down syndrome. She would like such a center to function in Lubiatów, where she has been leasing land for many years.

A rehabilitation and recreational center for people with disabilities “Meet us” has been operating since 2014. Many people take advantage of the therapeutic workshops, and all because it is the only center of its kind on the Baltic Sea.

Dymna decided it would be a good idea to create another center. Unfortunately, she recently received a message that clipped her wings.

It’s not about building a retirement home now. I don’t have the strength to fight for this. Construction was suspended for five years – confessed the actress in an interview with “Rewia”.

Despite everything, he still thinks about such an undertaking. – I don’t even have much time, so I don’t know if I’ll live long enough to see it. But I still think about it – she added.

Anna Dymna no longer has the strength

Dymna has been struggling to make her dreams come true for several years. Unfortunately, he still gets fooled …

Which governments are different decisions. I no longer have the strength, everything is blocked, but I still dream of this center and I believe that I will be able to build it. Through Lubiatowo I have already started smoking cigarettes, I hope this is not the case now. However, I have nothing to say, I have to wait and continue to raise money, because inflation does not even make things easier – stressed the popular actress.

See also: The government surprised everyone, but did it overwhelm them? “The consequence will be failure”

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