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Aniche. Cathy, mother of eight, sets up her business

Under the impetus of her spouse, Cathy Leprêtre-Jacaton created her company Créa Cathy Photographe in March 2021. How to present Cathy Jacathon? It is perhaps her partner, Frédéric Jacaton, who speaks about it the best! ” We have been together for 25 years and every day she surprises me.

Indeed, Cathy has eight children and received the family medal from Préfet Lalande on April 10, 2019. The family is already a big company. Already, Cathy’s mother, Nathalie Leprêtre had received the family medal, pinned by François Mitterrand for her ten children. The flip side of Cathy’s medal is also oriented towards the creative arts and all self-taught.

In the photo department, everything starts with the first birth. It clicks, his photos and albums cause “NS“, from “Ho, it’s beautiful ! “Since then, I have researched, worked and equipped myself a lot. What’s gratifying is that every time people thank me. Now, I offer simple photo printing, taking identity photos, because there were no longer any photographers in Aniche and photos taken solo in a supermarket machine are often rejected. I also offer calendars, restoration of old photos, communion wedding shoots, etc.

In the musical department, Cathy plays by ear without having learned music theory, and the synth is her instrument. A donation initiated by his father. Cathy is also a Country dance teacher in Neuville-sur-Escaut within the Léo-Lagrange club. In the drawing and acrylic department, Cathy painted her daughter Clara with acrylic paint or draws. His plan is to open a shop, because his activity is currently taking place in his home.

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