Foto: Bibiphoto /

A dairy farmer in the Overijssel village of Reutum has milked sixty cows. The farmer thus protested against the cabinet’s nitrogen plans.

The farmer walked into the barn around six o’clock this morning and milked all the cows. He used a milking machine for this. After milking, the cows were released again. The milk was collected in a cooled tank.

Local residents appreciate the action. “This farmer has been working here all his life. He is busy from early in the morning until late at night and can never go on holiday. And now he suddenly threatens to be bought out for many hundreds of thousands of euros. Then I understand that you are going to milk,” says a neighbor.

Another local resident criticizes the milking campaign: “Apart from the cows, no one is harmed this way. I understand this farmer’s frustration with the cabinet’s plans, but this is not the way to protest.”