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Anges7 ended successfully at the Art Capital 2023 Art Exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris

Anger Anges7’s hot scene when it was exhibited at Art Capital 2023 at the Grand Palais in Paris, France

International art collectors and lovers pay close attention to this “Hybrid Nature·Hybrid Nature” art exhibition

In this exhibition, artists Grace SHI, Rocky WAN, Qingyang(Paopao) ZHANG, sold their photographic art works and digital art works “Hope”, “Struggle” and “Patrick?” respectively. At the same time, the works of all young artists participating in Art Capital 2023 “Hybrid Nature·Hybrid Nature” at the Grand Palais Art Exhibition in Paris by anges7 were widely discussed at the venue, and the creative ideas behind them aroused the resonance and reflection of many international visitors .

Artwork sold 1: “Hope” by photography artist Grace SHI

Artwork Sold 2: “Struggle” by Photographer Rocky WAN

Artwork sold 3: “Patrick?” by digital artist Qingyang(Paopao) ZHANG

The Anthropocene is a controversial concept introduced at the beginning of this century, which refers to the irreversible impact of human industrial activities on the environment and natural resources, such as melting glaciers and desertification, and even disasters. The concept also serves as a metaphor for the deterioration of materials (heavy metals, plastics, nuclear waste) that accompanies globalization. In this context, the question of the nature of nature becomes crucial: Is it an inevitable hybrid state, or is it as it always has been?

Works of participating artist April LI

The Hydrid Nature exhibition organized by the curator Anges7 ART for Art Capital 2023 at the Grand Palais in Paris is the response of young artists to this metaphor. In the face of the unspeakable impact of disasters (global warming, pandemics, etc.), the subject of human beings is hidden behind the work——photographers Minggang LI, Rocky WAN and Grace SHI, from an objective documentary perspective, try to start from the center of anti-humanity Rewriting disasters from the perspective of humanism; against this controversial background, April LI, Shuyu ZHAO, Bojun HUANG & Willa XU are interested in solving commercial, cultural and psychological issues on a global scale, and their paintings point to the infinity of communication.

Works of participating artist Minggang LI

Works of participating artists Bojun HUANG & Willa XU and Shuyu ZHAO

Indigenous materials appear in heterogeneous pictorial forms in unexpected ways, such as references to ceramics in the work of artist Alejandro M. Parisi. In the works of digital artists such as Libertas and Yangqing ZHANG, materials are transferred from physical carriers to digital memory spaces, serving as escape lines from the concentration of industrial production. The work of these artists not only innovated in their materials, but also produced a tender and poetic dimension appropriate to their times and perspectives in breaking the boundaries between fictional narratives and sociocultural facts.

Works of participating artist Alejandro

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