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Andy Rubin’s company is off the window

Too bad. Andy Rubin, the “Android father”, had big plans. The company Essential not only wanted to revolutionize the smartphone market, but also to roll up the smart home. But nothing will come of it.

In October the smartphone project GEM was presented, a new mobile experience that Essentials hardware, software and cloud teams have built and tested in recent years. The vision was to invent a paradigm for mobile computing that would fit more seamlessly into the needs of people’s lifestyles, Rubin said in an open letter.

Despite the best efforts, Gem could not be brought to the customer in this way. In view of this, the difficult decision was made to shut down operations and switch off Essential.

The smartphone essential PH-1 should no longer receive updates. The current Newton Mail users will have access to this service until April 30, 2020. For developer fans, a pre-built image and everything else needed for further development with the PH-1 will be hosted on Github.

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