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Andrea Bocelli and her virtuoso voice delight in Barcelona

Andrea Bocelli has dazzled the audience at the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona in one concert commemorative of his 30 years careerand in which he has once again boasted of a voice prodigious, which has allowed him to provide two very different parts – even more accentuated by a pause –, with a first half dedicated to the opera and a second marked by popular music.

The Italian tenor opened his performance this Tuesday night with ´Woman is mobile´ from opera ´Rigoletto´ de Giuseppe Verdione of the most famous areas of universal poetry, which has been followed by another piece by the Italian composer, ‘La mia Letizia Infondere’, by ´The Lombards at the first crusade´so it was quickly realized that the show would revolve around songs that live in the collective imagination.

Your majestic voicewhich has earned him the distinction of being the heir of Los Three tenorshas needed a break every few songs, so in the third piece the soprano has come on stage Cristina Pasaroiu para interpretar ‘My lips, they kiss so hotly’.

Bocelli has returned with impetus to sing ´Si fue soldato´ and ´Vicino a te´ (this second one with Pasaroiu), two pieces from the opera realist of Umberto Giordano ´Andrea Chénier´, which tells the life of the French poet André Chénier, executed during the French Revolution.

For her part, violinist Rusanda Panfili has marked another brief pause with the interpretation of ´Csárdás´ by Vittorio MontiA piece of concert rhapsodic song written in 1904 that is based on a zarda, a Hungarian folk dance.

To close the opera cycle, the tenor has sung with Cristina Pasaroiu ´O soave fanciulla´, a romantic duet from the first act of ´La bohème´ by Puccini and ´Brindisi´ from ´La Traviata´ by Verdithus returning in a way to the beginning.

Singer Andrea Bocelli, icon of Italian music, offers the first of his two concerts at the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona, ​​where he will review his 30-year career, in which he has sold more than 90 million records worldwide, both opera and pop music. (EFE)

After a pause of twenty minutes, during which the Orchestra Symphony del Vallés and the Sardanista Polyphonic and Cultural Group of Puig-Reig, who accompanied the musician throughout the two hours that the recital lasted, Bocelli has returned with a repertoire full of popular songs.

The first of them was ´Funiculì, funiculà´, accompanied by a dancer – the corps de ballet has remained throughout the entire second half –, which was followed by ´Mamma´ and the Neapolitan song ´O Surdato´ nnammurato´, which has transported Barcelona to the blind tenor’s native Italy.

Behind this, Bocelli has inaugurated the Spanish cycle with ´Amapola´ by the Cádiz composer José María Lacalle continued with ´En Aranjuez con tu amor´ by Joaquín Rodrigo, accompanied by the violinist Rusanda Panfili, and concluded it with ´Granada´ by Agustín Lara.

At this moment the weak point of a show that has given little room for errors has become evident: during the performance of ‘In Aranjuez with your love’, images of the Alhambra in Granada have been projected, which has little to do with the Madrid city which could be contrasted in the photographs shown on the screens – most of them very vague and generic – and which seemed to have been chosen without special sensitivity.

After the violin performance of ‘Davy Jones, he’sa pirate’, from the soundtrack of Pirates of the Caribbeanby Panfili, Bocelli He has shown his virtues as an instrumentalist by playing ‘Melodramma’, by Guerrini, with the flute.

Already in the final stretch, the tenor has invited to the stage Pia Toscanowho has sung ‘All by myself’ and has accompanied Bocelli in ´Vivo per lei´, which drew applause from the audience only with the first notes of the piano and in ´Canto della terra´, which earned him a long ovation from the Palau Sant Jordi.

At the insistence of the public, the Italian musician remained on stage to close the show with three songs that are now classics of popular music:Con the partirò´, ´Kiss Me a lot´ y ´No sleep‘, achieving the recognition of all those present standing.

The triple final choice of the encore has acted as a mirror with the first song of the recital, ‘La donna è mobile’, in what are popular melodies that resonate in everyone’s subconscious, executed to perfection by one of the most excellent voices in the world. musical panorama.

  • So, with all the Appetizer sold both for the two recitals in Barcelona and for those in Madrid, Bocelli has shown that little more than a portentous voice to bring together thousands of people to enjoy both compositions of opera as one of the most popular songs.

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