Home » today » News » Andalusia registers a new daily record with 1,242 positives in Covid-19 by PCR and adds seven deaths | Radio Sevilla | Hour 14 Seville

Andalusia registers a new daily record with 1,242 positives in Covid-19 by PCR and adds seven deaths | Radio Sevilla | Hour 14 Seville

Andalusia registers this Friday, September 11, a new daily record of coronavirus cases confirmed by PCR with a total of 1,242 in 24 hours, 265 more than those recorded this Thursday and the highest number since the start of the pandemic, according to data from the Ministry of Salud y Familias, which counts seven new deaths this day – nine less than the day before – four in Seville and one in Malaga, Almería and Jaén.

Until now, the highest daily registry of cases by PCR stood at 1,043 registered last Tuesday and there are now five days in September in which the positives exceed a thousand in Andalusia.

The province with the highest number of positives in 24 hours is Malaga again with 478 – compared to 292 the day before – followed by Seville with 199, Granada with 143, Cádiz with 136, Almería with 97, Jaén with 92 , Córdoba with 71 and Huelva with 26.

For their part, Andalusian hospitals registered 808 patients admitted for Covid-19 this Friday, 18 more in 24 hours and 204 more than a week ago, of which 112 are in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), which means one less than this Thursday when there were 113 people admitted to this Unit.

The accumulated evolution of the data in the last seven days reflects 5,032 cases diagnosed by PCR, with 353 hospitalized, 19 admitted to the ICU and 41 deaths throughout Andalusia.


The most worrying situation continues to be located in the nursing homes, where there are three new deaths in the last 24 hours, two in El Zapillo de Almería – which adds 15 deaths and 119 confirmed cases, 78 residents and 41 workers – and one in El Manantial de Terque (Almería) – with two deaths and 44 positives, 34 residents and ten workers.

In addition, the Ministry of Health reports that in the last 24 hours four new outbreaks have been declared in nursing homes: two in the province of Seville, one in Utrera with 18 confirmed residents and another in the Fonserrana residence in Algámitas with 16 positives. 13 residents and three workers; one in Malaga at the Archidona residence, with 15 confirmed cases – six residents and nine workers -; and one in Córdoba in the Santa Eufemia residence, with 30 positives –27 residents and three workers–.

For their part, the two outbreaks in Mairena del Aljarafe (Seville) reached 50 confirmed cases –28 residents and 22 workers– in the Mater et Magistra residence for the disabled and 49 in the Vitalia residence –40 residents and nine workers– , while the residence of Luque (Córdoba) registers 26 positives –18 residents and eight workers–. Along with this, the outbreak in the Vitalia Teatinos residence in Malaga has 91 confirmed cases –74 residents and 17 workers – that of the Domusvi Azalea residence in Marbella adds 25 positives –18 residents and seven workers–.

In contrast, the outbreaks in the Fardes de Benalúa (Granada) residence for the elderly do not show changes; the Centro Puerto Luz Resort residence and the Afanas-Santa Beatriz and Afanas-Virgen de los

Miracles of El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz); and the Prodicco de Coín residence for the disabled (Málaga).

In total, this Friday there are 77 new hospitalized, adding 26 in Malaga, 14 in Seville, ten in Granada, nine in Córdoba and Almería, seven in Jaén and one in Cádiz and Huelva. Regarding the people who have gone through an ICU, five have been added in 24 hours, two in Malaga and one in Seville, Granada and Almería.


Currently, 808 patients confirmed with Covid-19 remain admitted to Andalusian hospitals, 18 more in 24 hours, of which 112 are in the ICU, one less than on Thursday. Malaga continues as the Andalusian province with the most hospitalized and admitted to the ICU with 235 and 31, respectively, followed by Seville with 182, 19 in the ICU; Cádiz with 109 hospitalized, 17 in ICU; Granada with 87, 11 in ICU; Córdoba with 85, 13 in ICU; Almería with 69, 13 in ICU; Jaén with 36, seven in ICU; and Huelva with five, one in ICU.

According to the accumulated data of the Ministry of Health, Andalusia has registered 40,124 cases confirmed by PCR since the beginning of the pandemic, 1,242 more in 24 hours, after adding 977 on Thursday, 781 on Wednesday, 1,043 on Tuesday, 661 on Monday, 680 on Sunday, 1,030 on Saturday and 1,021 on Friday. The community reaches 1,589 deaths from Covid-19, after adding seven deaths in 24 hours, nine less than the day before.

For its part, the number of hospitalized patients rises to 8,042, 77 more in 24 hours, after rising by 98 on Thursday, 65 on Wednesday, 79 on Tuesday, 52 on Monday, 41 on Sunday, 105 on Saturday and 72 on Friday. The number of patients who have undergone ICU stands at 918 after adding five in 24 hours and the number of cured reaches 20,162, 67 more in 24 hours.


Regarding the accumulated provincial data of the Ministry of Health, of the 1,589 deaths in Andalusia -seven more in 24 hours-, Malaga continues as the province with the most deaths with 316 -one more-, followed by Seville with 309 -four more-, Granada with 303, Jaén with 197 -one more-, Cádiz with 192, Córdoba with 124, Almería with 96 -one more- and Huelva with 52.

For its part, the positive cases confirmed by PCR have reached 40,124 since the beginning of the pandemic –1,242 more in 24 hours–, led by the province of Malaga with 10,503 –478 more–, followed by Almería with 6,189 – -97 more–, Seville with 6,211 –199 more–, Granada with 5,343 –143 more–, Cádiz with 4,349 –136 more–, Córdoba with 3,765 –71 more–, Jaén with 2,887 – -92 more– and Huelva with 877 –26 more–.

The accumulated cases of coronavirus that have required hospitalization reach 8,049 in Andalusia –77 more in 24 hours–, with Malaga leading the way with 1,976 –26 more–, followed by Seville with 1,483 –14 more–, Granada with 1,399 -10 more-, Jaén with 859 -seven more-, Cádiz with 763 -one more-, Córdoba with 705 -nine more-, Almería with 626 -nine more- and Huelva with 238 – one more.

Of these, 918 have passed through the ICU throughout Andalusia –that adds five cases in 24 hours–, with the province of Malaga in the lead with 192 – two more–, followed by Seville with 174 –one more- -, Granada with 143 –one more–, Jaén with 100, Cádiz with 98, Córdoba with 91, Almería with 87 –one more– and Huelva with 33.

Finally, the number of cured patients reaches 20,162 in the entire community after adding 67 in 24 hours, with Malaga leading with 4,449 -10 more-, followed by Seville with 3,234, Granada with 3,072 -20 more-, Almería with 2,839 -13 more-, Jaén with 2,133 -one more-, Cádiz with 1,977 -four more-, Córdoba with 1,926 -10 more- and Huelva with 532 -nine more-.

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