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Analysis of Putin’s Speech at the G20 Summit: Implications and Political Strategy

Political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin explained how Putin’s speech at the G20 summit should be interpreted.

Putin is not going to stop the war, but he really needs an operational pause at the front, said Dmitry Oreshkin. At the same time, the political scientist noted that today the No. 1 goal for the President of the Russian Federation is the capture of Avdeevka. If the Russian army manages to achieve this goal, then the head of the Kremlin will present this event as a victory of the Russians over NATO.

Dmitry Oreshkin’s interview can be viewed on the channel YouTube.

A Russian opposition leader commented on Putin’s speech at the G20: “He did not say anything new: he has already said more than once that Russia is almost carrying out a peacekeeping mission on the territory of Ukraine. I think this is mostly aimed at an external audience.but it won’t hurt the internal ones either, because against the backdrop of the elections, Putin needs to somehow get out of this meat grinder with a victorious expression on his face, so it’s very important for him now to win some symbolic victories on the battlefield and then present himself as a winner.”

Then the pyrolytic historian unexpectedly declared: “What he called “denazification”, “demilitarization” has already been forgotten, conversations about the need to build a land corridor in Transnistria, capture Odessa and cut off Ukraine from the Black Sea have been forgotten. It’s as if all this didn’t happen. These words were erased from the board with a bloody rag. Now, if we manage to take Avdeevka, then this will be the place where Russia “defeated” NATO, this will be the place where Putin proved that we rose from our knees“.

Earlier, Oreshkin named the “People’s Artist” of the Russian Federation, who has a chance to take Putin’s place.

Also, Oreshkin announced a “modern option” of the VSU counterattack, which can “lie on Zaluzhny’s table”.

2023-11-25 19:36:23

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