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an image or a video as a greeting, lack of ceremony

In Libourne, Mayor Philippe Buisson is almost used to speaking by video from his Facebook live initiated during the first confinement. On Friday, it was natural that a video was posted on his Facebook page and that of the City. After having mentioned the “difficult year” that was 2020 and stressing that Libourne, although affected, was “less impacted than other territories”. He wants to believe that this is due to the Libournais who “globally respected the barrier gestures and lived up to the shock wave that was this crisis.” He took the opportunity to call for local consumption as “a militant act”.

He took the opportunity to list a few projects for 2021: the launch of works on the Place Joffre transformed into an arboretum, the continuation of the development of the quays towards Condat, the steps which will be taken to obtain the label City of arts and history, the creation of a comic strip around the history of the City without forgetting the 30 years of Fest’arts this summer and the coming of the Tour de France in mid-July which he hopes “symbolically as the end of this clap. hard time”. Until then, and despite these optimistic wishes, the councilor announces still difficult months.

In Saint-Sulpice-de-Faleyrens, a great video was produced by the 3rd assistant Jean-Daniel Debart, who works in communication – and it shows. In a playful and very successful graphic staging, to the sound of the voice of one of his children, he returns in less than three minutes to the various projects carried out during this year 2020. The new church square, the coming a medical office with the arrival of three doctors, the installation of digital boards within the school, the creation of a skate park… The voice of the mayor is heard just at the end to express his wishes. To see on the commune’s Facebook page.

AT Guîtres, where a new mayor was elected during the last elections, all the elected representatives were called upon to formulate municipal wishes. The opportunity to put names and faces on a renewed team.

In Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, Castillon-la-Bataille or even Izon, the choice was made to deliver a few words and a picture as a greeting.

In Coutras, Mayor Jérôme Cosnard will deliver his wishes during a Facebook live on January 22 at 6 p.m. on the City’s Facebook page. In the meantime, he framed them soberly with a simple image of a Happy New Year. In contrast, on New Year’s Eve, he published a kind of blooper making of a video made for November 11.

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