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AMLO accepts “challenge” from INAI in Casar case: there is much to “add”

Mexico City. Given the actions that the National Institute of Transparency and Access to Information has undertaken to reach the ultimate consequences in the case of the dissemination of María Amparo Casar’s file, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that he accepted the challenge because I have many things what to add.

“Just look at the INAI, now it turns out that reporting an alleged case of corruption is a crime but the one who supports it is the INAI. It is the most contradictory, paradoxical thing that can exist, they are going to punish me and even the last consequences. I accept because I have many things to tell you and prove to you.

Later he ironically: do you know who is going to do the investigation to determine if there was corruption in the case of Mrs. Casar in the organization Mexicans Against Corruption? Claudio X González”

Questioned about his vision of the last stage of his government and subject to his health, he highlighted that he feels in good health, with some “ailments” due to age and sports. “I rest, little but good. I just want to close my cycle and I’m happy, I say it sincerely. We managed to lay the foundations for a transformation, underway, in process.”

It will be very difficult to reverse what has been achieved, to have setbacks because there is greater awareness. The mentality of the people has already changed and everything changes. It is easy to say but it is very complicated to change the mentality of the people in politics.”

In this, however, some fundamental progress has been made. The other thing is that poverty and inequality have been reduced, it is missing but progress has been made like never before. What we did was seek a better and fair distribution of wealth in Mexico. There is not a single town, ranchería, no matter how remote it may be, where a welfare program does not reach and in some cases there are more beneficiaries than inhabitants because there are those who are entitled to more than one program.

On the other hand, in terms of security, he estimated that if the same strategy is maintained, addressing the causes, attending to young people, greater progress will be achieved although results are already being produced. We must ensure that there is no family disintegration.

He insisted that Mexico has a spiritual strength, but drug consumption must be prevented from increasing because it is what has encouraged violence, as is the case of Guanajuato, which registers the highest violence. How is it possible that in Guanajuato there is more violence than in Jalisco, Michoacán or Guerrero?

He pointed out that in states like Chihuahua, Morelos, Zacatecas it is for drug consumption but in Baja California it is drug trafficking.

In the case of the uptick in violence in Zacatecas, he said that a group of 26 people was arrested and there was a violent reaction. Several bodies were found.

#AMLO #accepts #challenge #INAI #Casar #case #add
– 2024-05-12 01:02:14

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