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Amira Pocher with a completely deformed face: that’s behind it

Amira Pocher (28) recently appeared on Instagram with a rather deformed face and should have scared her fans with it.

Cologne – Amira Pocher (28) should have given one or the other follower a real scare on Friday when she presented her rather deformed face in her Instagram story. But it quickly became clear what was behind it.

Amira Pocher (28) recently appeared in her Instagram story with a rather disfigured face and should have given her fans quite a scare. © Instagram / amirapocher (screenshots, image montage)

Enlarge here a little, smooth out a little there and narrow it down a bit in other places – the beauty craze in the Instagram world seems to have increased in recent years.

Many influencers and celebrities are open about minor beauty interventions and major cosmetic surgery and stand by the optimization of their body, while others plead for more naturalness.

In addition, many stars now only show themselves in their Instagram stories with so-called beauty filters, which not only make dark circles or wrinkles disappear, but also enlarge or reduce certain areas of the face.

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Amira Pocher is definitely one of those celebrities who focus on naturalness, do without beauty filters in their stories and have nothing to do with surgical interventions – right?

On Friday, the wife of Oliver Pocher (43) should have scared her 963,000 Instagram fans for a short time when she posted a selfie of herself in her story, on which the two-time mum somehow didn’t look alike.

Her nose looked much narrower on it, while her breasts, eyes and lips suddenly looked much larger. But then it became clear what was behind it: Amira had loaded the selfie into an app, with which pictures can be edited quite drastically.

The native Austrian showed what is possible nowadays in terms of visual beauty post-processing! “I now give courses”, Amira wrote ironically about the story and showed the extent to which these “beauty optimizations” can take.

The mother of two likes herself without make-up and often shows her fans without make-up in her stories. Anyway, the presenter does not need any beauty filters or face optimization with the help of apps.

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