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Ambassador of Myanmar to the United Nations professes to fight with the military against dismissal

Kyaw Moe Tun, Ambassador of Myanmar to the United Nations. © Reuters = News 1

Myanmar Ambassador to the United Nations Kyaw Moe Tun, who was dismissed for the military regime in Myanmar, declared a struggle with the military.

According to Reuters on the 27th (local time), Ambassador Cho Moe Tun said in an interview, “I decided to fight against it as much as possible.”

He urged the international community to take strong measures to stop the Myanmar military coup that ousted Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi, a state adviser, at the UN General Assembly the day before.

After speaking in the local language, he drew applause by performing a’three-finger salute’ to symbolize resistance.

Immediately after the speech, the Myanmar military dismissed him. Myanmar State TV announced that he had betrayed the country and was fired.

However, a UN official who requested anonymity said, “The United Nations has not officially recognized Myanmar’s military government as a new government.”

UN spokesman Stefan Dujarik said “We have not received any contact regarding the change of the United Nations Myanmar representative.”

Christine Schreiner Bergener, UN Special Envoy to Myanmar, warned that the military government of Myanmar should not be approved or legalized at the United Nations General Assembly consisting of 193 member states on the 26th.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutéchs pledged “I will mobilize international pressure to make the coup of the unpolished military fail.”

The UN Security Council (Security Council) expressed concern over the emergency, but failed to adopt a statement condemning the coup due to backlash from Russia and China.

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