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Amazingly healthy .. the benefits of eating breakfast before 11 am

In the modern lifestyle, many people neglect to eat a meal the breakfast Whether due to waking up late in the day, being late to work or study schedules in the morning, or somebody’s aversion to the idea of ​​eating food in the morning and being satisfied with a cup of your favorite drink and many other reasons, but unfortunately scientists confirm that this habit harms health, weight and brain in a way Large . –

Nutrition experts stressed the need to eat a healthy and balanced breakfast that contains protein, fiber, vitamins and healthy fats, such as eating a homemade loaf next to a boiled egg or white cheese and cucumber, or a cup of milk next to half a cup of oats and a fruit.

According to “insider”, one should stay away from refined carbohydrates because they increase the feeling of hunger, which makes a person eat more food and suffer from obesity and overweight.

It terms Breakfast Health is to be taken before the eleventh hour and not in the afternoon, as some do.Here are the most important benefits of eating a meal the breakfast For adults and children in the event of attending to them with the previous conditions and rules for a continuous week:

1- Eating breakfast helps to increase production and raise efficiency at work because it provides us with the energy necessary to accomplish tasks and protect from inactivity.

2- Scientific research has confirmed that eating breakfast reduces harmful cholesterol in the body that causes many diseases, including heart and high blood pressure.

3- What many people do not know is that eating breakfast is important for weight loss. Some people may feel hungry after breakfast, and this is normal, especially if you are not used to it, but feeling hungry increases the rate of burning in the body.

4- Scientific studies have confirmed that eating breakfast is very beneficial for diabetics, as it helps regulate their blood sugar level and protects against fainting.

5- Eating breakfast is very important for children and young adults in the school stage, because it helps to increase concentration and improve memory and comprehension.

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