Home » today » World » Alsou Aleynikova – the champion of Ukraine got into a loud scandal, insulting the people of Dnipro

Alsou Aleynikova – the champion of Ukraine got into a loud scandal, insulting the people of Dnipro

The champion of Ukraine in academic rowing, Alsu Aleynikova, became the figurehead of a grandiose scandal. The 22-year-old sportswoman and model from Dnipro publicly insulted Ukrainians, calling them an “empty place”, and also fantasized about new Russian missile strikes on her native city.

Aleynikova made relevant statements on her own page in the Instagram social networkwrite portal opentv.media. Dina Miftakhutdinova, the daughter of the vice-champion of the 1996 Olympics and a deputy from the “Servant of the People” faction in the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council, began to mock her compatriots who are going through the war.

“Maybe tomorrow I will fly to Dubai. There I will drink a coconut, go shopping and feel great, and you will sit in the war and hide in the basements. You are an empty place and do not decide anything. Therefore, sit in silence. you’ll come to your senses, you’ll clean up here,” Aleynikova said.

WARNING! The video contains profanity! 18+

It is interesting that after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, the athlete published posts in support of the country with national symbols. Residents of Dnipro suspected Aleynikova of collaborationism and assumed that she had already fled abroad. They advised her not to return to the city.

“F*** you in the Dnipro. Wait. We don’t forgive that”, “Ignorant, ill-mannered, limited stupid animal. Shame on the parents, their shame. Trash of our country, unfortunately”, “And she could have continued to fatten. It is necessary was just to be silent,” “It’s cool that her profile says “memory of death.” It’s ironic, they write in the comments.

As OBOZ.UA reported, three-time Russian sambo champion and winner of the CSKA Judo Cup, Bohdan Shekhovtsov, a native of Ukraine, was detained in Taganrog.

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