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Alsace. Who are the winners of the 2022 Golden Bretzels?

On Sunday 30 October in Mulhouse, in the premises of the Maison de la culture populaire, the Institute of Arts and Traditions of Alsace will present its distinctions – the famous “Golden Bretzels”. Remember that these distinctions were created by Germain Muller in 1976. The first winner was Georges Holderith, inspector general of Germany at the Ministry of National Education. The Institute of Arts and Traditions of Alsace chooses to distinguish the natural or legal persons who have contributed “in an extraordinary way” to the “conservation and enhancement of our beautiful Alsace”.

Among the winners over time, we point out the names of the poet and writer André Weckmann 1978), the illustrator Tomi Ungerer (1983), the former mayor of Strasbourg Pierre Pflimlin (1983), the Nobel Prize in Physics (1966) Alfred Kastler (1984), star chef Paul Haeberlin (1988), Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1987) Jean-Marie Lehn (1992), poet Claude Vigée (1993), illustrator Claude Lapointe (2001), painter Camille Clauss (2003), the Ribeauvillé festival committee (2009), the city of Turckheim (2012) etc.

The five winners of 2022

Five personalities and an association are among the winners of this new 2022 class, the William Wyler class. Marie Claire Vitoux honorary professor of contemporary history at the University of Upper Alsace, specialist in industrial history of Mulhouse, who contributed to the preservation of many elements of the heritage of the city of Bollwerk. Henri Runneburger , linguist, originally from Benfeld, Germanist, who has worked extensively on German linguistics and the history of the language at the University of Aix-Marseille and has taught phonetics for speech therapists at the University of Bern. He has dedicated 30 years of his life to writing a great Alsatian-French dictionary. Eric Eisenberg is THE organ specialist in Alsace. He listed 1240 of them which he gathered information about. The site “discovering the organ” is a reference. Gerard Rapp Meilleur Ouvrier de France in printing and typography in 1976, heavily invested in professional training of excellence, became President of the National Society of Best Workers in France. Martina Zussy , Mulhouse, president of Motoco, place of artistic production, contributes to Mulhouse’s international cultural influence. In the end, the International Union of Alsatians , created in 1981, brings together 60 associations on five continents. It exports Alsatian culture all over the world.

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