Home » today » Health » Almost like prostate cancer, recognize the symptoms of benign prostate enlargement and how to prevent it

Almost like prostate cancer, recognize the symptoms of benign prostate enlargement and how to prevent it

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – The prostate gland is an important part of the male reproductive organ that functions to produce and distribute semen. Its position is located between the bladder and the lower urinary tract.

Urology Specialist from Mayapada Hospital Surabaya, dr. Prasastha Dedika Utama, Sp.U, said the prostate has a muscle component that plays a role in the process of releasing sperm fluid.

“This prostate has a function, it has a muscular component. When his sperm comes out, he can come out forward instead of back into the bladder. Same path with the outlet of the urinary tract in the penis. The same channel when urinating or peeing,” said dr. Prasastha, quoted from a press release received by Tribunnews, Tuesday (5/7/2022).

However, did you know that as you age, the prostate can enlarge and cause problems? Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) or benign prostate enlargement?

BPH is the size of the prostate which increases with age and the testicles continue to produce testosterone.

However, an enlarged prostate volume does not always result in urinary problems in men. Data shows, only 50 percent of men with enlarged prostate who feel the complaint.

Global data also records that 70 percent of men over 60 years of age suffer from BPH symptoms and it’s increasing to 70 percent of men over 80 years old. Even so, Indonesia does not yet have national data on the prevalence of BPH.

Several studies conducted in Indonesia found a relationship between BPH and a family history of BPH, lack of physical activity, low fiber diet, vitamin E consumption, excessive red meat consumption, obesity, metabolic syndrome, chronic inflammation of the prostate, and heart disease.

What are the symptoms of BPH?

Generally, BPH patients have complaints of lower urinary tract infections or lower urinary tract symptoms which covers:

1) Symptoms of obstruction, include weak and interrupted urinary streams (intermittent) and feeling unfinished after urinating.

2) Symptoms of irritation characterized by increased frequency of urination, uncontrollable, and often occurs at night.

3) Post voiding symptoms Low levels are characterized by fluid dripping urine. While the most severe symptoms are unable to urinate at all or urinary retention.

According to dr. Prasastha, overall the most common complaint is difficulty holding urination.

“That’s why the patient wets the bed, has gone out before going to the toilet. Another complaint, the urine used to come out profusely, now it’s slower,” explained dr. Prasatha.

Prasastha added, in some conditions, patients have to wait for urine to come out for a while when urinating and experience a condition when they wake up at night to urinate.

“Or the urine is intermittent. In the middle stopped. Get out again, break up again. And if you sleep at night, you often wake up. Usually I can wake up 5-6 times,” added dr. Prasatha.

In emergency cases, the patient is not even able to urinate at all. This condition can occur due to accumulation of interference over several months. As a result, patients often experience pain and infection. The infection can also cause complaints of fever.

“What is also quite heavy is when the patient is urinating blood. Because it is difficult to urinate, so that the blood vessels are compressed more and more, eventually bursting,” he explained.

What are the risk factors for BPH?

Prasastha mentions several risk factors that cause BPH, including:

1) Age

Age is touted as a major factor in BPH. Although the prostate enlarges with age, not all men have the potential to develop BPH. The doctor’s examination will decide whether the enlarged prostate needs treatment or further treatment through surgery.

2) genetics

Furthermore, genetics can determine a person’s chances of developing BPH. If close relatives, especially parents, have a history of prostate disease, the chances of someone getting BPH will be even greater.

3) Ras

According to research, Caucasoid or Western races such as Americans or Europeans tend to have a higher risk of developing BPH than Indonesians.

4) Obesity or overweight

Lack of physical activity that can trigger obesity can also increase the patient’s risk of prostate disease. This is because a large body mass index can lead to an enlarged prostate.

5) Diabetes

The last risk factor for BPH is diabetes. Diabetic patients who have an enlarged prostate will be more difficult to treat.

“If you have age, diabetes and obesity, you have to be careful. Often there are several drugs that are given to make the patient even urinate frequently or urinate overlapped. That’s why we have to make sure it’s because of his diabetes or because of his prostate. The complaints are indeed similar,” said dr. Prasatha.

BPH is not prostate cancer, but the symptoms are similar

In contrast to BPH, the risk of prostate cancer increases in men over 50 years or men over 45 years with a family history of prostate cancer.

Most patients with early-stage prostate cancer are not aware of any symptoms and only feel symptoms when the cancer has spread to other organs.

Symptoms that are complained of include impaired urination, blood in the urine, enlarged lymph nodes around the prostate, to weight loss.

If the cancer has spread to the bones it can cause bone pain and if it spreads to the spinal cord, neurological deficits such as numbness will be found.

Urology Specialist from Mayapada Hospital Surabaya, dr. Satrya Husada, Sp. U explained, complaints of BPH and prostate cancer can resemble each other. “That’s what we have to determine from the start. A follow-up examination was carried out.”

Detection of symptoms of BPH and prostate cancer

“The symptoms of prostate cancer are not typical, almost the same (with BPH), and can resemble complaints of other diseases, so they are often only detected at a more advanced stage. For the reasons above, early examination of prostate cancer is very important, “said dr. Satria.

Therefore, early detection is important to eliminate the possibility of prostate cancer.

Moreover, patients diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early stage have a 10-year survival rate above 90 percent, and will decrease to 50 percent if found at an advanced stage.

In detecting the symptoms of BPH and prostate cancer, doctors also need the results of laboratory tests such as complete urine tests, prostate specific antigen (PSA), kidney function tests, as well as radiological examinations such as ultrasonography (USG).

Meanwhile, inspections can also be carried out uroflowmetri can also be used to evaluate urine patient.

If a potential malignancy is found in the prostate, the doctor will perform a biopsy.

Meanwhile, if the patient is diagnosed with BPH, the doctor generally performs therapy manually minimal invasive (without incision). This method reduces the amount of bleeding, complaints of pain, time to return to activities, and other side effects.

Here’s how to prevent BPH

According to dr. Satrya, every man has prostate tissue. However, everyone’s prostate condition is different.

“There is a 60 year old who has a large prostate. There is a 70 year old whose prostate is small. Every person’s condition is different,” he said.

In addition, dr. Prasastha said benign prostate enlargement or BPH is not related to lifestyle, but hormonal factors. While prostate cancer may be triggered by lifestyle such as smoking and drinking alcohol, to eating too red meat, obesity and lack of physical activity.

“The prostate is actually hormonal, we can’t prevent it,” explained dr. Prasatha.

Not to be missed, dr. Prasastha explained tips to prevent the risk of developing BPH. The first is to eat tomatoes. That’s because tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that can reduce the risk of developing BPH.

“Tomatoes that are cooked but not too ripe, that’s good,” he added.

Equally important, every man with risk factors for BPH is encouraged to be more active and exercise, thereby preventing obesity. In addition, there are no restrictions for prostate disease patients to remain active in exercising.

Therefore, immediately detect the disease as early as possible to prevent it from becoming serious! If you experience symptoms of a benign enlarged prostate or BPH, contact your doctor immediately.

For further questions about BPH and other prostate diseases, consult with the best doctor by clicking the following link. You can also get examination discount vouchers medical check upyou know!

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