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Allergic reaction to a mosquito bite

Anyone who gets a mosquito bite will have a reaction to it on the skin. The magnitude of that reaction varies from person to person. Most people develop an itchy bump, but some people react with an allergic reaction, resulting in significant swelling.

Itching-causing substance

While a mosquito consumes a little of our blood during its sting, at the same time it leaves behind a substance through its saliva that makes sucking blood easier. For us, this has the annoying side effect that the dust causes itching. But it doesn’t always stop there. An allergic reaction can also occur, resulting in red and large, hard bumps. With a normal reaction it helps to cool the affected area. This can be done with a cold, wet cloth or a cloth with ice cubes. If necessary, use an ointment against the itching, for example with menthol. Stay away from the skin as much as possible, then the bump will not swell further. Scratching only increases the swelling and thus the itching.

More severe reactions to a mosquito bite

If there is more than just an itchy bump, you are dealing with a more intense reaction. It can express itself in different ways. 1st in the form of a vesicle or blister. This usually disappears within a few days. Make sure that the blister does not break, because then bacteria can get into it. If this does happen, contact your doctor, because then it is sometimes necessary to apply an antibiotic ointment to prevent a skin infection. Sometimes 1 mosquito bite can cause a multitude of itchy bumps called stropulus. More and more bumps can appear over a longer period of time. A doctor may prescribe corticosteroids in this case. This anti-inflammatory drug is only available by prescription.

Also read: This is best done with a horsefly bite

Allergic reaction

A mosquito bite can also cause significant swelling. Due to an allergic reaction, the lump around the bite becomes very large. This is very annoying, especially if it concerns a hand, ankle, eye or ears. In addition to causing severe itching, the swelling can also be painful. Some people don’t even feel good about it. They may feel nauseous, dizzy or weak. It can often be resolved with antihistamines. The allergic reaction is caused by an increase in histamine in the body, which counteracts foreign substances.

If you have more severe complaints after a mosquito bite, please contact your doctor. There is a chance that you have been bitten by an Asian tiger mosquito. This sometimes arrives in the Netherlands via international transport. Of course this also applies if you are (or have been) in a country where mosquitoes occur that transmit diseases.


Also read: Why do most mosquitoes only bite at night?

Preventing mosquito bites

A mosquito bite is never pleasant, but certainly if you react more strongly to it. In that case, prevention is better than cure. In an earlier article we tell you what you can do to prevent a mosquito bite.

(Source: Gezondheidsplein, Thuisarts.nl, Libelle, Red Cross, archive. Photo: Shutterstock)

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