Home » today » News » Alcoa: Aluminum workers in A Coruña demand the intervention of the factory | Radio Coruña | Hour 14 A Coruña

Alcoa: Aluminum workers in A Coruña demand the intervention of the factory | Radio Coruña | Hour 14 A Coruña

The orange tide of aluminum has returned to the streets. This time the workers of the aluminum factory in A Coruña, former Alcoa, have concentrated in the Plaza de María Pita to insist on their demand: the intervention of the State Government in the factory. Claim security and stability for the staff that has been on the tightrope for years. They consider that the A Grela plant, now under the name Alu Ibérica, its viable and it is the responsibility of the administrations to move forward.

Juan Carlos Corbacho, president of the works council, has been in the interview over the weekend of Radio Coruña Cadena SER and has requested an investigation into the conditions of sale of Alcoa to Parter Capital and later to Grupo Riesgo.

The company’s announcement to buy two furnaces for the A Coruña plant is considered a smokescreen. While the Risk Group points out this equipment as the starting point for the change of model in the factory with aluminum scrap as the main material, instead of primary aluminum, for the workers it is a mere advertisement to clean up your image.

Next Friday, the 11th, they will keep a meeting, the claimed multilateral table, with the Ministry of Industry, the Xunta, the Principality of Asturias, Parter Capital and the company committees. They underline that the committed investments, the viability of the company and the future employment guarantees are up in the air. They point out that they have lost ten months in development of the agreed industrial plan. They ask to insure the plant and then negotiate the claimed statute for electrointensives.

Political representation in the mobilization

Political personalities such as the mayor of A Coruña, Ines Rey, the number two of the BNG for the province for the elections of July 12, Xosé Luís Rivas ‘Mini’ or the parliamentarian of En Marea Pancho Casal.

Inés Rey wanted to show her support for the factory workers and in statements to the media she assured that “the Ministry of Industry will clarify at the Technical Table on June 11 the irregularities in the sale of the plant to Grupo Riesgo.”

Along the same lines, it has guaranteed that Industry “will act in defense of the viability of the factory” and he has also reminded the Xunta that “it has to assume its powers in this labor dispute that seriously affects the industrial fabric of A Coruña”.

In this sense, he has asked “Mr. Feijóo, the Minister of Economy, who has disappeared in this conflict, to get to work to guarantee the future of so many workers and the industry in this region.”

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