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Al-Masry Light / The world is on a date with a “false” event on Friday: the first of its kind in 2020

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The meteorologist, a member of the International Astronomy Center, Sami Obaid Al-Harbi, revealed that the world is on a date with an event of its first in 2020 next Friday.

Al-Harbi said in a statement to a Saudi newspaper, that “the lunar eclipse, which is not visible or false, will take place on Friday, 5 June.”

“He will be seen in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab world, and its scope includes the continents of Asia, Africa, Australia, the eastern continent of South America, most of the countries of Europe, the Pacific, the Atlantic, and Antarctica.”

He continued, “The beginning of the eclipse at 8:45 pm, and its climax at 10:24 pm, and ends at 12:04 am, Saudi time.”

He pointed out that «the proportion of the eclipse is 57% and its total duration is 3 hours and 18 minutes and is considered the first lunar eclipse in 2020 and will occur after the next two eclipses».

He explained that «this eclipse occurs when the moon enters the semi-shadow of the earth and there is a fading in the illumination of the moon, and it was called (a liar) for the inability to observe it clearly with the naked eye and can only be seen using a telescope or astronomical telescope.

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