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Ajla Del Ponte wins the 100m in Monaco

Ajla Del Ponte honored her rank on Friday in Monaco. The Ticino, who had the best time among the entries, won the 100m in 11”16. In the most fashionable way.

She made the difference in the last thirty meters

Laurent Meuwly, Ajla Del Ponte coach

“It was impressive. A demonstration of mastery ”: Ajla Del Ponte’s coach, Laurent Meuwly was a happy man at the end of this race. “She came out of the starting blocks well, but without being exceptional. She managed a very long acceleration, and was able to ignore her opponents, ”he analyzed.

“And she made the difference in the last thirty meters, keeping a lot of pace without breaking up unlike her opponents”, analyzed the Fribourgeois, particularly proud that his protégé was able to manage the pressure that weighed on his shoulders for his first appearance in the Diamond League in individual.

Third Swiss woman to win in the Diamond League after Nicole Büchler (Stockholm 2017) and Lea Sprunger (Birmingham 2018), Ajla Del Ponte is certainly 0”08 from her personal best set in Bulle on July 11. But she had a fourth race in a row in less than 11”20, clearly ahead of Aleia Hobbs (2nd in 11”28) and Gina Lückenkemper (3rd in 11”31).

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