Home » today » Entertainment » Ahead of February’s Marriage, Melanie Putria Announces Her Prospective Husband Has a Brain Tumor

Ahead of February’s Marriage, Melanie Putria Announces Her Prospective Husband Has a Brain Tumor


Melanie Putria came with bad news, Mother. Not long ago, she shared the health condition of her future husband.

Through social media Instagram, Putri Indonesia 2002 said that her future husband, Aldico Sapardan, was undergoing health treatment.

He delivered this news with mixed feelings. Even so, he hopes that they can get through these difficult times.

“Bismillah… I’m really excited to post this. My feelings and thoughts are very mixed. But I really want to ask for prayers from all of my friends,” he opened, quoted from Instagram @melanieputria, Wednesday (5/01/2022) .

“Currently there is a test that God has given to @aldicosapardan,” he continued.

Furthermore, Melanie Putria explained that her future husband had a brain tumor and would take action in the near future. They just found out about the health condition of their future husband.

“Last month, we just found out that there is a tumor in his brain and will soon be removed tomorrow morning (today-ed),” he said.

Even so, Melanie Putria said that Aldico was able to face the ordeal calmly. This also makes the woman born in Jakarta 39 years ago strong even though their wedding day is getting closer.

“Alhamdulillah mas Kiko is calm in the face of this, so I also become calm and sincere. Even though I know in his heart all feelings are in turmoil.”

“Moreover, we have plans to get married in February,” he continued.

Before closing the caption, Melanie Putria He also asked his followers to pray for him. Melanie hopes that she and her husband-to-be can be patient through the current process.

“Ask for prayers so that Allah will make it easy and smooth the operation process, dear friends… Hopefully Mas Kiko is sincere and strong to undergo this test.”

“And may Allah give a perfect recovery as before. Amen, God, amen.. We leave everything to Allah, dear, Bismillah,” he said.

Check out the next story on the following page, Mother.

Mother, also see Melanie Putria’s sweet moment when her new lover proposed on the air in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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