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Agüero, about the Copa América with the National Team and praise for Messi

Kun went through the TyC Sports screen and referred to the title won with Albiceleste prior to his retirement. In addition, he was full of praise for Lionel Messi.

Last October 30, Sergio Aguero suffered an arrhythmia in a match between Barcelona and Alaves by The Spanish League for which he had to prematurely withdraw from professional activity just under two months later. The Kun, who confirmed that he will go to the Qatar 2022 World Cup as part of the delegation Argentine National TeamI’m going through TyC Sports and assured that the Copa América was his last great joy in football.

“After what happened to me happened to me, I thought that at least I won a title with the National Team. It was something that all my colleagues were waiting for and wishing for, and the reality is that I stay with that month that we were in the Copa América. It was my last joy. Today I see photos and your smile returns”, declared in dialogue with TyC Sports.

In addition, Agüero revealed that he tries not to watch soccer because he wants to play again. “From time to time I think about watching a game and it comes to my mind to go back. It’s unconscious, but I clearly know it’s not. Today the truth is that I try not to watch football. I did the process of not seeing because I know that it is going to make me eat my head with going back. It’s looking at something that I know is not going to happen. At least for a while. Now I relax more and enjoy what I am doing. I try to process a bit the topic of football, he asserted.

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Sergio Agüero: “The Copa América with the Argentine National Team was my last joy”


Sergio Aguero:

Sergio Agüero, on Lionel Messi: “In 15 years in Europe I have never seen anything like it”

One of the great friendships in football is the one Sergio Aguero keeps with Lionel Messithe best player in the world, whom he praised in dialogue with TyC Sports. “As long as he continues to play, because I see him, you can ask anyone who has seen him in person, training and playing, post that it’s crazy how easy it is for him to do things that cost us a little more. In the 15 years I played in Europe I didn’t see anything like him, but not even close.” the Kun assured. “When we played reduced we already knew that, if Leo wanted, in two minutes he would score five goals for us. Hooked and boom, goal. We had to try to get him to score only three goals for us, but we knew that if he woke up for two minutes it was impossible to win such a match. That makes we are in six points and he is in ten, four points ahead. I would pick on him but he would do those hookups to me and I would choke fast, ha”he concluded.

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Sergio Agüero, on Messi: “In 15 years in Europe I have never seen anything like it”


Sergio Aguero, on Messi:

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