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After PSG – Bordeaux (3-0): Do we have the right to whistle Lionel Messi?

Starting an article with a definitive answer isn’t the best way to get readers going. It is even terribly counter-productive. Nevertheless: to the question that you discovered when you arrived on Eurosport.fr and which made you want to click to arrive here, it does not seem necessary to beat around the bush for 107 years.

The answer is simple: yes, we – the stands of the Parc des Princes in this case – have the right to whistle Lionel Messi. It’s called freedom, plain and simple. Encouraging or disapproving are the two breasts of supporterism, which is not intended to be limited to one, the one that suits the actors in the field and those of communication. You can also mark your disapproval without the insult, by the way. In an ideal world, it would be even better that way.

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Sunday, in the heart of a gloomy afternoon, the Parc des Princes had decided to opt for indifference, most of the time. The rolls of toilet paper having not passed the obstacle of palpation, the bends were content to follow the match without passion. Except when two of the club’s main players had the ball between their feet, Neymar and Messi.-

The case of the Brazilian is to be decorrelated from that of the Argentinian number 30, if only because he has been at PSG since August 2017 and he has not offered Paris and his supporters a personal and professional investment in the height of the financial investment made by the club of the capital to attract it in its nets. This season, the big straw ended up overflowing an already full vase.

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Here, the heart of the subject is called Lionel Messi and this is the case of the sevenfold Ballon d’Or which has moved many actors or observers, such as Johan Micoud Where Gary Lineker, on social networks and elsewhere. Because he is Messi. Because he is the best player of the 21st century. Because he is one of the best footballers of all time. –

Messi, the symbol and the lever

They judge, in essence, that Lionel Messi should not be whistled, because he is Lionel Messi precisely. However, the essential question is not so much to ask whether the former Barcelonan should not be booed but to ask himself if he deserved it, not in view of his immense career but of his performances in the PSG, the only ones that matter to Parisian supporters. And, above all, to try to understand why the stands of the Parc des Princes attacked him.

More than the Messi player, the rebellious supporters mainly attacked the symbol and, implicitly, Nasser Al-Khelaïfi and Leonardo. To attack Messi is above all to send a strong message to the management of PSG and even to Doha which, attached to the image of the club at least as much as to its results, has undoubtedly not tasted at Park events on Sunday. Becoming the club that offered Messi to be whistled seven months later is probably not a claim to glory to which Qatar aspired with its slogan “Dream Bigger”.

Since weeks, the CUP (Collectif Ultras Paris) recalls that what has become of their club, a marketed machine whose sports policy boils down to stacking stars, does not suit them. However, the events in Madrid proved them right in spectacular proportions. Sunday, the desertion of the Parc des Princes could have been a lever of action. Not the good one. Nature does not like a vacuum, their silence would have left the voice to the spectators who will be described here as “neutral” or occasional.-

By whistling Messi who, it must be said, was not the worst Parisian in Madrid but who, since the start of the season, deserves more tar than feathers, the stands at the Parc presented PSG with a fait accompli and at the foot of its contradictions. So far, the Argentinian’s season (7 goals, including 2 in Ligue 1) symbolizes the failure of Paris Saint-Germain’s sports policy, while Kylian Mbappé is on the doorstep with his suitcases.-

Why did Messi come to Paris? Because PSG was the only club able to welcome him. The other, Manchester City, has passed. And yet, we cannot accuse Pep Guardiola of not liking the Pulga. On arrival, it was the opportunity that made the thief, once again. As for Sergio Ramos. As for Gianluigi Donnarumma. Like so many others. Sunday, whistling the jewel Messi, the stands simply hit Doha where it hurts.

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