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Afore Azteca will manage inactive pensions, wins again Consar contract

MEXICO CITY.- In the midst of the assignment, for the second consecutive time, of a contract to manage more than 8 million 937 thousand 918 individual accounts pending assignment and inactive ones, income from commissions Afore Azteca increase, but the cost of affiliation fell from 285.6 million pesos to 114.4 million, an adjustment of 59 percent.

He Salinas Groupowner of Afore Azteca, has obtained this contract for a period of six years while litigating before the Mexican State the payment of taxes by the controller of Afore Azteca, the Elektra Group, for more than 60,000 million pesos.

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Afore Azteca also filed an injunction against the commission cap that was achieved with the 2021 reform and that allowed a benefit of more than 100,000 million pesos for workers with individual accounts.

For the 2021-2024 period, Afore Azteca won the tender from Afore XXI Banorte with a proposal of 0.0098% on balance against 0.0100%.

For Afore Azteca, “commission income represents the income from the services that the Afore provides to workers as administrator of their contributions to the retirement fund. They are recognized daily when the service is provided, the amounts are fixed and are collected. subsequently only in cash,” according to documents from the administrator that is part of the Elektra Group under the direction of Eduardo B. Parra Ruíz.

It was in 2018, according to a bulletin from the institution, when – for the first time – the National Commission for the Retirement Savings System (CONSAR) assigned, through a tender, more than 8 million accounts to the Afore of the Grupo Salinas because said intermediary offered the lowest commission for managing the search for the owners of these funds.

Consar assured that Afore Azteca won the tender due to its operational, financial and technological capacity. As a service provider of the Retirement Savings System, Afore Azteca does not directly invest these resources, because they are kept in custody and deposit at the Bank of Mexico. However, you have access to information about these accounts and the ability to assign them to your system. Afore Azteca must report to the CONSARs what amount of accounts are considered inactive after a year in which they have not received contributions.

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Although Afore Azteca won this tender in 2018, in 2021 it won the process again, according to CONSAR.

Between 2018 and 2019, the number of accounts managed by Afore Azteca increased more than 300%, going from 2.4 to 10.5. Currently, it manages more than 18.2 million accounts, including the 8.9 million assigned by bidding by CONSAR. According to information from CONSAR, Afore Azteca has 9 million 222 thousand 123 registered workers; 41,883 with resources registered in a SIEFORE.

Afore Azteca has promised that, due to its infrastructure and coverage, “it will offer the millions of workers assigned to this service provider the real possibility of establishing contact and taking control of their retirement savings in an easy and accessible way.”

Currently, Afore Azteca has more than 750 branches in the country, with a presence in remote locations where traditional banking is generally not present, and provides financial advice and attention 365 days a year.

Sources from this sector considered that Afore Azteca has won this tender twice because it has offered the lowest commission and because other Afores consider it an operational and cost problem to deal with this portfolio of accounts whose balances, in addition, remain deposited in the Bank of Mexico. .

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