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Afghanistan | Taliban say they killed comedian, beaten up in viral video

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(Kandahar) Les talibans ont admis jeudi avoir récemment tué un policier afghan, rendu populaire par ses vidéos humoristiques postées sur l’internet, après l’émotion suscitée en Afghanistan par la publication d’images devenues virales le montrant frappé par des insurgés, puis montrant son cadavre.

Les talibans s’opposent au talent […], they want Afghanistan to be the country of violent people who never laugh.

An Afghan, speaking on Twitter

The Taliban are accused of being behind a wave of targeted assassinations, in recent months, of officials, journalists, judges and NGO activists in particular.

With the start of the final – now almost complete – withdrawal of international forces from the country, the insurgents launched an all-out offensive against Afghan forces in early May and seized large rural areas of the country, where they are accused of numerous abuses, which they deny.

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