Home » today » News » Advised Not to Throw Cigarette Butts, 63-Year-Old Cleaner in Changhua Was “Crushed and Beaten” to Death by Punching and Breaking Ribs | Company | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Advised Not to Throw Cigarette Butts, 63-Year-Old Cleaner in Changhua Was “Crushed and Beaten” to Death by Punching and Breaking Ribs | Company | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Reporter Chen Jialing / Changhua Report

▲ Changhua detergents were thrown at him just because he convinced men not to throw cigarette butts around. (Picture / Flip Screen)

A cleaner in a state-owned Changhua residential community was beaten after seeing a young resident throw cigarette butts for smoking and persuading him to move on. Even though Mr. Cleaner was injured, he still went to work for a week to earn a living. Eventually he broke a rib. He was admitted to intensive care after surgery and sadly died two months later. and his family was deeply grieved. However, Liu Nan, who initiated the trial, showed no remorse during the court session. The family even asked the congressman to try to crack down on the case. The daughter of the deceased hoped that the prosecutor would find out the truth and do justice to her father.

Even the community monitor at that time exhibited! The accident happened in April of this year. The man who hit the man was 30 years old. He stopped by the gate and snorted. Throwing cigarette butts, I didn’t expect to be greeted with a few punches later. The cleaner fell to the ground and tried to get up, but the smoking man kept punching the cleaner who fell to the ground. Witnessed by the community security guard, he said: “I was beaten with a fist. After the blow, I got on my horse to fight and I turned my head to fight again. This young man is really brutal.”

Changhua cleaners convinced a man not to throw cigarette butts around, but he was punched, his ribs were broken and he was admitted to ICU and died.  (Picture / Flip Screen)

▲ Changhua cleaners convinced the man not to throw cigarette butts around, but he was punched, his ribs broke and he was admitted to ICU and died. (Picture / Flip Screen)

Eight days after the beating, a 63-year-old cleaner named Wu was admitted to the ICU with a fractured rib but was never transferred. The cleaning lady’s daughter couldn’t accept it. After reading the community video, she was shocked to realize that her father had been treated violently. Miss Wu said, “My father didn’t do anything wrong, nor did he have a grudge against others, he just did what he had to do. Can the other party beat him to death only because of his emotional instability? makes the family even more resentful is that in the investigative court, the man who committed the assault not only had no remorse, but he also claimed to be “mentally unstable” in court. It was once said that Liu Nan, that he had initiated the operation, had a rather close background, and had even used his relationship with a member of parliament to try to downplay the big problem.

Xie Yuelong, the deputy head of investigation of the district forestry branch, said a report was indeed received and Liu suspected it was due to emotional control issues. In addition, the Changhua District Attorney instructed a coroner to conduct a medical examination. autopsy to clarify whether the case of injury to the surname Liu was causally related to the death of the victim.

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