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Advice from a nutritionist to get rid of belly fat

For some people, the appearance of excess weight around the midsection is a major concern, but dietitian David Creel said the biggest problem is the increased health risks that come with Belly fat.

According to health nutritionist David Creel said: Your waist size is related to the subcutaneous fat and visceral fat that surround your organs, and although subcutaneous fat may be what we notice when we look in the mirror, visceral fat it is the most harmful.

Researchers have shown that excess fat around our organs increases the risk of metabolic diseases, including:


Fatty liver disease.

Heart disease and high cholesterol.

– Polycystic ovary syndrome.

Excess weight also increases the risk of sleep apnea, joint pain, and various forms of cancer.

But unfortunately, losing weight around the core isn’t as easy as doing stomach exercises a few times a week.

Dr. Creel says: “Patients want to know why they can’t do situps just to melt fat when doing situps strengthen abdominal muscles, but this doesn’t specifically affect the fat or loose skin around the stomach. It’s also important. understand that where we gain Whether or not we lose fat is influenced by our genetics ”.

Although genes can be a hindrance and we can’t determine our fat reduction, Dr. Creel says there are still strategies we can use to reduce belly fat.

-Exercise and strength training

Exercise that raises your heart rate and makes you sweat aids in overall weight loss, whether it’s visceral fat or subcutaneous fat. Aerobic exercise burns total calories and helps you reduce overall body fat, especially if you make changes to your diet at the same time.

Cut back on added sugars and high calorie drinks

Consuming a lot of added sugars is linked to the extra weight that is likely to accumulate around the waist. Sugary drinks and excessive consumption of fruit juices can be particularly harmful.

Reduce stress as much as possible

If you feel stressed, your body is likely to release the stress hormone cortisol into your bloodstream.Although this can lead to weight gain, there is a strong link between an increase in cortisol and an increased amount of visceral fat.

Do your best to relieve stress if you want to whiten your life. Dr. Krell cites yoga, meditation, therapy, and physical activity as ways to reduce stress levels.

– Eat more fiber

Eating high-fiber foods like chickpeas, lentils, and bananas can help you feel fuller for longer.

These foods contain a high amount of soluble fiber, which can slow the passage of food from the stomach to the intestine by dissolving in water and forming a gel.

Additionally, building a balanced diet that includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables leads to more fiber in our diet.

“If you eat foods with more fiber, you usually eat fewer processed foods in general,” says Dr. Krell.

Eat protein throughout the day

Make sure you add protein to your meals. Choices include meat, fish, eggs, dairy and legumes.

Studies have shown that protein helps you feel full, lowers your hunger hormone levels, and can help you eat less at the next meal.

Choose healthy carbohydrates

Carbohydrates have a bad reputation, but not all carbohydrates are bad for your health.

Good sleep

A good night’s sleep is vital for boosting your immune system, improving your mood, and increasing productivity, among other things.

When it comes to abdominal fat and weight loss, our sleep can affect ghrelin and leptin, the hormones that stimulate appetite.

“One of the things we do know is that when we don’t sleep well or are sleep deprived, it can actually affect our hunger hormones and there is actually a biochemical response to sleep deprivation, which makes us want to eat more. “, said Dr. says Krell.

Keep track of what you eat and exercise

Studies show that by keeping a food diary and recording your exercises, you set yourself up for success.For people trying to lose weight, if they control their food and exercise, they tend to do better.We don’t know all the reasons behind this, but it could be due to awareness and intentionality about our healthy behaviors. “

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