Home » today » Entertainment » Adore and attraction very last permanently and romance is countless, the premiere of the rhyme drama Track “Legend of the Tune Dynasty: The Love of the Ancients” -Hangzhou News Centre-Hangzhou Internet

Adore and attraction very last permanently and romance is countless, the premiere of the rhyme drama Track “Legend of the Tune Dynasty: The Love of the Ancients” -Hangzhou News Centre-Hangzhou Internet

Like is infinite and romance is infinite The premiere of Track Yun’s poetic drama “The Legend of Music: The Love of the Ancients”

Hangzhou network Release time: 2022-09-11 15:28 –

On stage, the huge scroll unfolded, as if opening a history e book, and the millennial Tune Yun rushed via time and house. On the night of September 10, Tune Yunshi’s authentic drama “Legend of the Song: The Love of the Ancients” premiered at the Zhejiang Artwork Theater.

The demonstrate is manufactured by Zhejiang Carrying out Arts Team and Zhejiang Repertory Troupe. Popular director Li Bonan is the principal director, Miao Fangyun is the director and screenwriter Lin Qiaosi writes.

As a important project funded by the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Lifestyle and Tourism in 2022 for “Appreciation of the Tune Dynasty – The Creation of Literary and Artistic Quality Jobs”, “The Legend of the Song Dynasty and the Like of the Ancients” focuses on the Tune Yun culture and takes as context the classical literary is effective of well-known poets, there and the literary operates of the Tune dynasty. It is divided into 4 chapters: “Dust is also a passionate and prosperous world rhyme”, “Crazy is also intimate and swish psychological rhyme”, “Ambition is also passionate, Zhuang Huai rhyme”, “The soul is also rhyme passionate, common and nation “, slowly explaining a wonderful and emotional rhyme The continual flow of Song-design portray.

When the phase was unveiled, the audience entered the citizen everyday living scene in “Together the River during the Qingming festival” and experienced enjoyable with them liked the classical arias of “Pipa Ji”, the “Ancestor of the Southern Opera”. “, and professional the collision of ancient and present day dramas go through Li Qingzhao, Supporter Zhongyan, Wen Tianxiang Hold out for the literary works of renowned Track Dynasty celebs and the going tales powering them, and experience their like and character …

In this poetic drama, lots of well-known artists appeared on stage, together with Ya Kun, the “golden anchor” of China Central Radio and Television, Qu Xianhe, an artist of the Chinese Drama Association’s “Shuangxin of Virtue and Art” and Zhang Yun, just one of the “Prime 10 Chinese Broadcasters”. Ying, the well-known functionality artist Liu Jihong, and so forth. In addition, there are first-course actor and effectiveness artist Track Yingqiu, initially-course actor Gao Weiwei and so on. The well known poems and prose of the Tune dynasty have been recited by them on the place.Every single phrase, just about every sigh and every single sigh is loaded with Song’s rhyme and grace, building the audience mesmerized.

That night, the demonstrate was at the same time broadcast are living on the cloud, and almost 570,000 people today watched it online.

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Supply: Hangzhou Day-to-day Author: Correspondent Hua Jingxuan Reporter Jiang Xiong Publisher: Gao Tingting

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