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Additional test capacities in the Bernese Jura

In Reconvilier, the canton of Bern will make more corona test capacities available at the end of December. (Symbol image)


The canton of Bern is temporarily increasing its corona test capacities in the Bernese Jura. A corresponding offer will be available in Reconvilier from December 27th to 30th. Over 1200 tests can be done per day.

PCR saliva tests are used, as the Bernese health and integration directorate announced on Wednesday. The offer is for people with symptoms and is free of charge. Certificates are not issued.

The canton asks the population to register before testing in order to avoid waiting times. However, spontaneous tests are also possible.

Meanwhile, the number of corona cases in the canton of Bern is still high, as the latest figures from the Bern Health Department show. She reported 1143 new, laboratory-confirmed cases within 24 hours on Wednesday. Three people died as a result of Covid disease.

The number of Covid hospital patients continued to increase within a week. It rose from 225 to now 233 people. Around a third of them are vaccinated. 38 people are in intensive care.

hn, sda

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