Home » today » Entertainment » Activists vandalize La Gioconda, in the Louvre in Paris – – 2024-02-14 10:39:23

Activists vandalize La Gioconda, in the Louvre in Paris – – 2024-02-14 10:39:23

This Sunday, two environmental activists threw soup on “La Gioconda” (16th century), Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece exhibited in the Louvre in Paris, whose original canvas is protected by a layer of glass.

The two women, who were filmed during their action that lasted almost two minutes, threw the orange soup and quickly passed under the barriers surrounding the frame.

“What is the most important? Art or the right to healthy and long-lasting nutrition? “Our agricultural system is sick,” one of the activists shouted.

“The Gioconda”considered the most famous canvas in the world and also known as theMona Lisawas recently the subject of another act of vandalism when a cream cake was thrown at it in May 2022, but the thick glass that protects it prevented it from being damaged.

Glass in the Louvre’s works of art began to be applied in 1907, after a woman slashed a canvas of Ingres in the name of anarchism. Thus, since then, the large pieces of the Parisian space are protected by “diamond glass” from the Saint-Gobain house, the same one that developed the glass of the famous pyramid inaugurated in 1988.

The glass over “La Gioconda”, whose estimated value is around USD 2.5 billion, was installed in 2005.

Since that same year the painting has been housed in the Hall of States, where it has a wall to itself, along with other notable Venetian paintings such as “The Wedding at Cana” by Veronese. It is separated from the public by strict security protocols, so no one notices the half a million craquelures, small cracks, that cross the paint. She arrived there after having passed through the Sala Rosa and the overloaded Sala Carré, where she was absent for two years after the famous robbery, which occurred on August 21, 1911, of the Italian Vicenzo Peruggia.

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