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Acting Prime Minister Galab Donev Addresses Uncertainty about Regular Government after Early Elections

After the next early parliamentary elections, we live again between two hypotheses: there will be a regular government – there will not be a regular government, acting Prime Minister Galab Donev said today at the beginning of the regular government meeting.

Until it becomes clear which of the two assumptions has political life, I will remind you that Bulgaria has an active, albeit official, government, he added.

Despite the difficulties we faced, including due to hasty and thoughtless changes in the electoral legislation, we once again coped with our part of the responsibility for the preparation and holding of the early parliamentary elections, the Prime Minister also said and congratulated Ministers Demerdzhiev and Milkov.

After 8 months, I can state that the state is not governed by signs, interpretations and assumptions, but by decisions, sometimes difficult, and by taking responsibility for them”, the acting prime minister is categorical.

He emphasized that the caretaker government continues to work on the urgent tasks before the state pending the constitution of the 49th National Assembly and the formation of a governing coalition.

The Ministry of Finance is preparing the draft law on the state budget for 2023, which the Council of Ministers must submit to the National Assembly by the end of April. In addition, after the constitution of the 49th National Assembly, we will bring to the attention of the people’s representatives a number of key bills related to the control of people’s financial, socio-economic problems”, noted Donev.

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