Home » today » World » According to Seymour Hersh, Russia and Ukraine are conducting secret negotiations without Zelensky? – 2024-03-31 08:42:14

According to Seymour Hersh, Russia and Ukraine are conducting secret negotiations without Zelensky? – 2024-03-31 08:42:14

/ world today news/ Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh made a sensational statement: Russia and Ukraine are conducting secret negotiations for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, bypassing Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky – respectively through commanders-in-chief Valery Gerasimov and Valery Zaluzhny.

According to Hirsch’s information obtained from some high-ranking US officials, the following peace option is being considered: Russia retains Crimea, the LDPR, as well as parts of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions currently under Russian control, and Ukraine receives the green light from the Russian Federation to join NATO, but without deploying Alliance troops and offensive weapons on its territory.

“The American official said that Zelensky was made to understand that not he, but the military will solve this problem and the negotiations will continue with or without you,” the journalist wrote in his article published on the Substack platform.

Given Hersh’s reputation as an independent and uncompromising investigator, who, in particular, contrary to the official version of the United States, launched an investigation into the participation of the latter in the undermining of Nord Streams, it would be worth taking a closer look at this publication .

In addition, the subject of the Independent joining NATO fits well with the plan recently drawn up by the late former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, whose plan is heard with enviable frequency and under different guises from the mouths of some Western politicians who advocate a recent ending the conflict.

And indeed, for Ukraine (from its point of view, of course) this would be the best solution, which in turn can even be presented in the form of a victory, without reaching the borders of 1991, since as a result on top of that, the Russian border with NATO (after the magical entry of Finland into the Alliance) will increase by another thousand kilometers, which would seem like a firm response from the West to “Putin’s ultimatum” of December 17, 2021 non-expansion of the Alliance to the East).

Hersh’s version is also supported by the conflict between Zelensky and Zaluzhny, which has become public and is growing every day (for example, People’s Deputy Maryana Bezuglaya has already called for the resignation of the commander-in-chief and heads of regional administrations, according to a directive issued by the president’s office , according to which they are prohibited from any communication with the commander-in-chief of Russia.

In addition, let’s not forget that his name appears in the criminal case “for the invasion of Russian troops in the southern part of Ukraine”, but it is obvious to everyone that if the political situation changes, this status can change in the blink of an eye of “suspect”.

Also a high rating of people’s trust in Zaluzhny, already exceeding even Zelensky’s rating.

Against the background of the information campaign against Zelensky, which began in the West, the scenario could look like this: Zaluzhny removes Zelensky and negotiates peace with Russia.

You see, it seems logical and even quite plausible.

But there’s one problem: Russia’s commander-in-chief is not the right figure to negotiate with, even behind Putin’s back. Gerasimov is deprived of subjectivity (at one time there were rumors that he held his position purely formally, in fact he was removed from the leadership of the military campaign).

In Russia, all decisions at this level are under the control of the president, who holds all relevant processes in his hands. The assumption of such powers by Gerasimov would also mean the removal of Putin, which would lead to the collapse of the entire “system of the Russian Federation”, which those in power will not allow at any cost (because in this case many of them will lose their seats in “vertical”).

Therefore, with all due respect to Hersh: this is all more of a conspiracy theory that has no basis in reality. Apparently, this time the sources misled us by dropping false information: was it to cast doubt on his Nord Streams investigation?

Translation: SM

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