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Absurd and insulting is the nomination of Toshko Yordanov as chairman of the Committee on Culture and Media


Bulgarian artists, creators and intellectuals received the most ridiculous Christmas present possible with the installation of Toshko Yordanov at the head of the parliamentary committee on culture and media, point out the Free Journalism Civic Forum.

A complete absurdity and a serious insult for our entire cultural community is the promotion of the MP from “There is such a people” Toshko Yordanov for Chairman of the iconic Committee on Culture and Media in the 47th National Assembly – have we forgotten that the gentleman in question recently allowed himself to threaten fiercely on TV 7/8 to enforce strict Krum laws against a reporter from Nova TV who inadvertently mistake, say the Civil Forum “Free Journalism”.

Because of his inadmissible comment addressed to the journalist Blagoy Tsitselkov from Nova TV, who Toshko Yordanov made in his own show, today he should not even be a regular member of the parliamentary committee on culture and media, emphasize the NGO.

The Free Journalism Forum also reminds that the ITN politician Toshko Yordanov he was also officially nominated for the “Golden Skunks” award of the “Masters” in connection with his embarrassing statement and threats on the air to the reporter from Nova TV. With this extremely rude verbal aggression against the journalist Blagoy Tsitselkov and with the reminder that if we were in Krumova Bulgaria, because of the slip in question now “parts of the body of this boy with the microphone would be missing”, the politician Toshko Yordanov will probably “contribute” to the collapse of Bulgaria even steeper down in the ranking of media freedom of “Reporters Without Borders”, warn the Free Journalism Forum.

Actually, Toshko Yordanov This is not the first time he has demonstrated scandalous and aggressive behavior, as well as unacceptably sharp, biting language – some time ago he vulgarly cursed and insulted a very ugly with a cynical remark on 7/8 TV famous Varna journalist in her author’s commentary show “Studio Ha” , added by the NGO.

With his threats to the reporter from Nova TV and with his vulgar words addressed to the journalist from Varna, Mr. Toshko Yordanov violates extremely grossly the Code of Ethics of the Bulgarian media, which requires adherence to good manners and decency, according to the Free Journalism Forum. We expect the Commission on Journalistic Ethics to come out with its position on the election of Toshko Yordanov for Chairman of the Committee on Culture and Media in the 47th National Assembly, noted by the Free Journalism Forum.

The civil association is convinced that in the coming days the Association of European Journalists and the Union of Bulgarian Journalists will also come up with a position on whether a politician who allows himself verbal aggression and threatens journalists, violating good manners, meets high standards and of the public expectations for holding the position of Chairman of the so important Committee on Culture and Media in the 47th National Assembly.

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