Home » today » Technology » A video of the new horror film “FIVESEVEN” was presented quietly. Escape on the “last train from Narita” – AUTOMATON

A video of the new horror film “FIVESEVEN” was presented quietly. Escape on the “last train from Narita” – AUTOMATON


Composer Adolf Nomura announced on October 24 that Naphtali Faulkner, who worked on “Umlangi Generation”, will produce a new work entitled “FIVE SEVEN“has been released. The compatible platforms and the release date of this work are undecided.

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* The video for “FIVESEVEN” starts around 15:53.

Adolf Nomura is a composer working under the name ThorHighHeels and is the person who provided the music for “Umlangi Generation”. On October 24, he released a live play video of three horror games, probably in line with the Halloween season. One of them, “Vampire Rain: Altered Species”, was quietly inserted with a video of “FIVESEVEN”.

In the released video, the gameplay of this work is fragmented. The stop will be “the last train leaving Narita”. It is written in both English and Japanese. The interior of the car is dark and empty, and there is only a silver-haired man there. This guy seems to be called Reegan. Reegan proceeds inside the vehicle and gets a flashlight. Where the aisle is blocked by something like an onboard sales car, he crawls across the floor and crawls under the seat.

Later in the video, Reegan obtains a gun and proceeds further into the vehicle. Then I found a person lying on the floor. As he approaches, the figure rises into what appears to be black smoke and approaches Reegan. Reegan reacts with a gun while being chased by a creepy figure. It wasn’t clear whether or not it worked, and the video ended as they were increasingly cornered.

FIVESEVEN has not yet been officially announced, but developer Naphtali Faulkner released a short video last June (see below). It shows a person exploring a place that appears to be inside a building rather than a train. It may have been further developed from here and the stage was changed to “the last train from Narita”. Alternatively, there may be multiple environmental stages.

As for the gameplay, it seems that it will be a content that confronts a mysterious existence with a gun in hand. However, the bullets are not that abundant. The main character can crouch and crawl, and there may be invisible elements such as the ability to slip under the seat even in a tight train. In addition, the 3D graphics with a unique blurry expression are reminiscent of the previous work “Urumangi Generation”.

FaulknerAccording to him, this work was developed with the influence of the series “Metal Gear”, “Silent Hill” and “Resident Evil”. By the way, “Vampire Rain: Altered Species” that Mr. Nomura was playing is a stealth action game in which you carry out your mission without being found by vampires who cannot move with a gun. This approach also has something that somehow leads to the image of “FIVESEVEN” and can be welcomed as if it were a bold choice.

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This video appears to have been released with permission from Mr. Faulkner. After “Urumangi Generation”, it will be to form a tag with Mr. Nomura. By the way, this job is a photo adventure game set in a decadent New Zealand of the near future where you work as a “photo delivery man”. It has been highly acclaimed and has won numerous awards. In Japan, he won the Newcomer Award in the Entertainment division of the 24th Agency for Cultural Affairs Media Arts Festival.

The compatible platforms and the release date of “FIVESEVEN” are undecided. In the video it is only announced that it will be released when it is completed (Comes when done), so I would like to wait for the official announcement first.

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