Home » today » Business » “A Toda Vela” Program Sails Into Success, Bringing Nature and Nautical Activities Closer to 500 Primary Students.

“A Toda Vela” Program Sails Into Success, Bringing Nature and Nautical Activities Closer to 500 Primary Students.

More than 500 students in the third year of Primary Education, from fifteen educational centers, are participating in the “A toda Vela” program, included in the Municipal Educational Offer, which began on May 3 and will end on the 23rd of this month .

The objective of this program is to bring the participants closer to nature within the framework of the bay, to make sailing known as a grassroots and leisure sport, to promote values ​​such as teamwork, respect and love for nature and to promote nautical activities.
The activity is subsidized by the Real Club Náutico and is carried out in collaboration with the municipal delegation of Education. The sessions are held in the educational centers themselves, with the exception of the Baptism of the Sea, which is held on weekends at the entity’s facilities for all those who request it, at no cost, and must be accompanied by a family member.
“A toda Vela” has been developing continuously since 2010 (even during the pandemic) and mobilizes more than 500 children from the city’s educational centers each year.
The program has been extended to the regional level with the collaboration of the Commonwealth of Municipalities of Campo de Gibraltar, extending to the municipalities in the interior of the region, which has meant that the number of participants has exceeded a thousand, making this school a the benchmark for sailing in the region.
Many of the members of the “Rafael Trujillo” Sailing School of the Real Club Náutico de la Línea come from this “A toda Vela” program, being clear exponents of this the champions Carla and Raquel Retamero.

2023-05-17 12:54:08
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