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a teenager brings food to comrades who arrive with empty stomachs and provokes a surge of solidarity

In Columbus (Ohio, United States) a young American proved that a small gesture of solidarity could spark a great outpouring of generosity. Matteo, 13, had made the decision totake his toaster and cakes to give to his comrades who arrived hungry, tell our colleagues from West France.

His principal realized this and informed his parents. If the intention is laudable, Matteo is asked not to make it “a habit”reports his mother on Twitter: “Apparently my son got in trouble today for putting our toaster in his backpack and taking it out at lunch to make Pop-tarts (pastries to grill editor’s note) for his class. It makes me laugh out loud.”

This tweet has received nearly 175,999 likes so far and has generated an outpouring of solidarity from some Internet users, who asked Matteo’s mother how they could help. She replied to them with the link of a local food bank, Mid-Ohio Food Collective. There were so many people who came to donate that the site crashed and has been inaccessible for some time.

But the outpouring of solidarity did not stop there. The brand of cakes that Matteo had brought to school also got wind of this story and sent several cases of his products to the establishment. The Pop-tarts brand also donated $5,000, or about 4,600 euros, to the No Kids Hungry food program.

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