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A negative test would be the most practical solution for admitting spectators to the hockey arena

In preparation for the World Championship, the Latvian Hockey Federation (LHF) had practically agreed in professional talks with the Ministry of Health that a negative Covid-19 test is the easiest solution to safely allow a limited number of spectators to watch the World Championship games in person. LHF President Aigars Kalvītis said on Thursday.

Due to the pandemic, an atypical world championship is taking place in Riga, which will take place in the conditions of the crisis, therefore operative decision-making on various issues is not special, Kalvītis emphasized. He believes that the key is to make decisions so that ignorance does not rule.

The previously developed plan envisages the possibility to admit no more than 2660 spectators to “Arena Riga”, but no more than 1058 hockey fans could watch the game in person at the Olympic Sports Center. Kalvitis admitted that it will be possible to sell such a small number of tickets quickly, but

the key question will be how to make sure that potential viewers meet epidemiological safety requirements.

Kalvītis emphasized that an agreement was almost reached with the Ministry of Health that the Covid-19 test performed in certain laboratories could be most easily linked to the number of the ticket purchased by the fan. Laboratories have also been prepared to ensure that the result of a personalized test is linked to an entrance ticket to a World Cup game.

In contrast, other options, such as

Kalvītis acknowledged that admitting vaccinated persons to hockey games was complicated and practically difficult to implement, as there will be a question of who may look at a person’s medical data.

The president of the LHF explained that other solutions should be discussed, but he is convinced that a solution can be found within a few hours.

Kalvītis emphasized that the arenas will have separate entrances, there will be no buffets and beer, as well as opportunities for fans to meet, because everyone will be distant from the others. In addition, the hockey arena has excellent ventilation to keep the ice, so the air is almost as fresh as outside, said the LHF president.

The organizers will be ready to sell tickets for the next day’s evening games if a decision is made to admit spectators to hockey games at noon the day before,

said Kalvitis. He emphasized that the LHF was already preparing for the championship with the spectators, as it was counting on the reduction of morbidity rates. The government considers the refusal to see the decision on spectators at the world championship on Tuesday Kalvītis considers the main reason why the issue was moved to the Saeima.

The day before the government meeting, practical issues were discussed with the ministers at the World Championships organizing committee meeting, but the next day the issue was not on the government’s agenda. If the decision were made by the government, the organizers of the world championship would respect it, no matter what, the president of the LHF said.

Ticket prices have not been negotiated and should be decided by the local organizers together with the International Hockey Federation.

Kalvitis estimates that the prices would be commensurate with the world championships of previous years.

When opening the world championship to spectators, equal rules would apply to fans from all countries who would perform tests in laboratories in Latvia and could attend games, said Kalvītis. He has no doubt that hockey fans from many countries would like to go to Riga, because Latvia is not a long way for them.

While waiting for Latvia’s first game in the World Championship on Friday against the Canadian national team, the President of the LHF emphasized that going to the field against the homeland of hockey is always special. Kalvītis added that the goal of the home team is to reach the maximum possible in the tournament.


World Championship in Riga will run from 21 May to 6 June.

The Latvian national team will start the world championship on Friday, May 21, at “Arena Riga” against the Canadian national team. Latvia and Canada will play in the same group as Finland, the USA, Germany, Norway, Italy and Kazakhstan.

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