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A Mother’s Tragic Loss: Actress Elena Zakharova’s Heartbreaking Story

August 1, 2023 11:45

The tragedy happened many years ago.

Few people know, but actress Elena Zakharova became a mother in 2011. She had a daughter, Anna-Maria. When the baby was only eight months old, tragedy struck.

First, Zakharova discovered that her daughter had a high temperature. Any mother would have thought it was a common cold. But the situation has worsened. The girl was taken to the emergency room. Doctors fought for her life for six days, but the baby died from an acute viral infection.

Only years later, Zakharova was able to tell reporters about what had happened. The actress admitted that her salvation in that difficult period was faith in God. Already on the ninth day after the tragedy, the artist went to the set, although she constantly cried at night.

Photo Source: Legion Media

Author: Elena Vorontsova

2023-08-01 08:45:31

#actress #Zakharova #suffered #death #8monthold #daughter

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