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A deep Atlantic trough brings rains, storms and winds to the islands

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Feb 3 (EFE) .- The arrival of a deep Atlantic trough in the last hours of today will lead to a considerable increase in atmospheric instability throughout the Archipelago over the next few days, with showers that they could be accompanied by strong or very strong storms and gusts.

The State Meteorological Agency reports that the entry of a cold air mass will also produce a marked drop in temperatures.

The rains will begin from early morning on Thursday the 4th in the western islands and will spread during the day to the rest of the archipelago, becoming general on Friday the 5th.

Rainfall can be locally strong as of Thursday afternoon, with accumulations of 15 liters or more in an hour, especially on the northern slopes of the islands of greater relief, and be accompanied by a storm.

It is not ruled out that storms often precipitate hail.

A notable drop in temperatures is expected, especially in the midlands and high areas, with the possibility of snowfall from altitudes of 1600 to 1800 meters.

These phenomena will be accompanied by strong or very strong winds with gusts that can exceed 70-80 kilometers / hour, especially affecting peaks and midlands, and waves of 4 to 5 meters in the westernmost part of the Archipelago.

It is expected that the instability will subside as of Saturday the 6th, first in the west of the Archipelago and in the afternoon in the rest of the islands. EFE

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