Home » today » World » A convincing slap for the West: Orbán embraces Putin for no cause – 2024-05-17 19:33:26

A convincing slap for the West: Orbán embraces Putin for no cause – 2024-05-17 19:33:26

/ world right now information/ In Beijing, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban spoke in a confidential tone with Vladimir Putin. Once more, he represents the West’s most harmful problem. But it surely’s not that straightforward. The Hungarian chief, amongst different issues, doesn’t like sodomites, and he additionally has plans for… the lands of Ukraine. Learn extra within the materials from “Tsarigrad”.

Representatives of the Russian and Hungarian delegations who met in Beijing greeted one another like previous pals who, as a result of circumstances past their management, had not seen one another for a very long time. Along with agency handshakes, there have been pleasant hugs and pleasant pats.

Viktor Orbán started his dialog with the Russian president with a considerably apologetic passage, making it clear that Budapest, as a result of geopolitical realities, is compelled partly to play the sport imposed on it:

“That is our thirteenth assembly. There have been troublesome conferences, however by no means as troublesome as this one. We now have by no means been in such a troublesome scenario earlier than.”

“, every little thing that Hungary can do, it does, we attempt to save every little thing we will from our bilateral contacts,” he mentioned.

Orbán emphasised that Hungary is concerned about sustaining cooperation with Russia not solely on the stage of communication, but in addition by way of the financial system. And specified: “So long as that is potential.” As soon as once more, he makes it clear that not every little thing is determined by him within the present geopolitical solitaire.

Truthfully, little or no relies upon. However Orbán’s braveness is obvious. In addition to that this man and his group are taking part in their recreation and never meekly finishing up no matter is given to them by Brussels and Washington.

“Members of the Russian and Hungarian delegations are hugging fortunately and pleasant at a gathering in Beijing. These hugs will trigger an explosion of anger in Brussels towards Hungary, and towards Orbán, and towards the top of the Hungarian Overseas Ministry,” political scientist Sergey Markov commented on the nice and cozy diplomatic assembly.

Refused to hit Serbia

And it began yesterday. It’s not for nothing that within the new James Bond novel the primary villain is Hungarian, and with a intentionally simplified set of qualities, however attribute of Orbán.

Thus, the Hungarian Prime Minister grew to become the one European chief who instantly supported the humiliated Serbs. For instance, just lately, after the introduction of a detachment of Serbian rebels within the northern a part of Kosovo.

Then there have been calls from European politicians to impose sanctions on Serbia and nearly to start out bombing Belgrade once more. Orbán then instantly acknowledged that Hungary would block any anti-Serbian initiative on the EU stage.

The Hungarian Prime Minister usually involves Belgrade, meets with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and continuously emphasizes that the issues of the Balkans can’t be solved with out Serbia. Throughout one in every of these conferences, Orbán informed Vucic how the West inspired Hungary to invade Yugoslavia in 1999.

“Viktor Orbán confirmed this to me and mentioned I can say this publicly. Clinton and the British needed him to assault from the north to withdraw our forces from Kosovo to Vojvodina, however Orbán denied that proper within the White Home,” Vucic mentioned.

The Serbian chief additionally met with Putin in China, however this can’t be known as a full-fledged communication.

“We did not have a bilateral assembly, however we talked briefly. I can see that he’s simply stuffed with confidence,” mentioned Vucic, who, as a result of his “plasticity” and “multi-vectorness” after the beginning of the particular army operation, virtually minimize off all contacts with the Russian chief. Though earlier than that they communicated very often.

One other slap within the face to the West

Orbán instantly helps the Bosnian Serbs and their chief Milorad Dodik, who visited Putin in Moscow throughout his election marketing campaign.

Orbán recorded a video handle in assist of Dodik in defiance of the pro-Western opposition coalition. And Dodik is sort of a bone within the West’s throat: his place, in addition to the members of his group, doesn’t enable Bosnia and Herzegovina to hitch NATO and be part of the anti-Russian sanctions. Subsequently, the assist of an individual of this stage for Orbán is a problem for the West.

“We lived with the Serbs for a very long time and we all know what they needed to undergo. The Serbs aren’t an issue, however an answer for the Balkans,” the Hungarian prime minister mentioned on the demographic summit in Budapest.

And no perverts and perverts!

By the way in which, this assembly was remembered for one more fairly critical and putting act of Orbán, which brought about a wave of sharp criticism and even outright hatred within the West.

As a result of, opposite to the sexual perversions persistently promoted by the brand new world order, the chief of Hungary held an occasion devoted to the assist of the normal household.

“Fundamental values ​​are beneath assault in Europe, however Hungary won’t quit defending the household. In Europe, now we have a progressive and liberal elite. As a substitute of essential matters, such because the demographic future, it offers with nonsense,” Orbán mentioned.

In line with the President of the European Fee, Ursula von der Leyen, the Hungarian Prime Minister is a “disgusting chief”. However bizarre Hungarians assist Orbán each in his conservative and wise stance and in his capacity to be a buddy.

Thus, beneath an article within the Hungarian Mandiner, devoted to the negotiations between Orbán and Putin, customers left many attention-grabbing feedback.

“Orbán virtually single-handedly represents sane minds and sane morals within the western a part of our previous continent,” wrote a person beneath the pseudonym Aerion.

“The enemies of humanity, like all Western nations, need to crush the Hungarians. However the EU meat grinder is breaking down, pals! The EU is falling aside,” he provides.

In flip, person nempolitizalok0 notes that “Orbán is doing effectively, we must be on good phrases with the Russians, the world will change loads quickly.”

Orban wants Transcarpathia

In a dialog with “Tsarigrad”, the top of the Affiliation of Orthodox Consultants, head of the division of the Institute for the CIS nations Kiril Frolov mentioned that Orban’s actions are primarily based on pure pragmatics:

“He’s concerned about breaking apart the previous USSR and desires to get Transcarpathia as a result of there are various ethnic Hungarians who’re oppressed by the Ukrainians.”

The professional famous that the descendant of the primary prime minister of the Republic of Subcarpathian Rus destroyed by Hitler, Andrey Andreevich Brody, lives in Budapest:

“His grandfather Andrei Ivanovich Brody was overthrown as a Hungarian spy as a result of he thought that since Czechoslovakia had not fulfilled the federal treaty with the Republic of Subcarpathian Rus, then Hungary would.”

Frolov is satisfied that there are direct authorized grounds for the revival of the Republic of Subcarpathian Rus, since on December 1, 1991, a referendum was held in Zakarpattia Oblast, throughout which 72% of native residents voted for federal relations with Ukraine.

However Kiev “trampled on this referendum and dedicated genocide towards the Carpatho-Russian folks, denying its very existence.”

“Orbán understands that in the course of the division of the inheritance from the previous USSR, Hungary will enhance. And it’ll not be a small nation, however a topic of world politics,” the professional believes.

“His survival as a politician is determined by Russia’s victory within the particular army operation and can result in the unification of the Russian, Serbian and Hungarian folks,” he mentioned.

So what?

Sure, Orbán is a pragmatist. Who’s extraordinarily sad with what the brand new world order is popping previous Europe into. And due to this fact with an open visor he goes to fulfill those that oppose these harmful processes. Unwittingly, he’s changing into the final European patriot in huge politics.

Translation: SM

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