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“A common cold doesn’t go away for seven days”

There is a great medical crisis in Romania. Antithermals are hard to find and antibiotics are hard to find, especially for children.

Doctors point out that in view of the wave of serious viruses that has just begun, it will not go well at all.

Maybe this way we will understand that:

1. We don’t take ANYTHING for a fever unless we are over 38.5. There are rarely exceptions and they are well known. Fever is a defense mechanism, it INCREASES our IMMUNITY. Not the supplements. Not the vitamins, nor the more expensive syrups or tinctures. No. We are made by God with our regulatory mechanisms, a miracle that is difficult to explain and that we strive to prevent.

2. It’s virus season. We expect Covid-19, Influenza and Bronchiolitis (devastating for infants and elderly!!!!), ASTHMATIC crises triggered by viruses. For all of this WE DO NOT USE ANTIBIOTICS. They are useless, they make us even worse! I hope this pharmacy crisis we’re going through also cures us of eating antibiotics on bread for every little thing.

3. Antibiotics are prescribed by doctors, not from neighbors, relatives, friends or pharmacists or their subordinates. And so it is serious that many doctors prescribe too “strong” antibiotics too quickly and in too large quantities, and until the Romanian state, as an authority, stops this hemorrhagic prescription with guides, special prescriptions, dedicated cards or whatever stops it invent, it may be too late for us!

4. We forget too quickly how generous nature is to us. Lemonade with to measure it is better than any expectorant syrup, because the vitamin C in lemon means a large dose and a high bioavailability, i.e. it is all absorbed and gets to where it needs to be, and honey is emollient, lubricates the throat and helps cough, much better than if we have taken sweet and expensive syrups that say WITH HONEY. The dryness and sore throat of seasonal colds is helped by your own saliva rather than lozenges and sprays, which is what chewing gum and lollipops are for when we can’t chew! Especially children are more enthusiastic about chewing gum than receiving blasts of sprays containing allergens or even alcohol! Have you ever tried these antiviral sprays to see how kids feel when you “pump” them?

Children with the common seasonal colds should receive lemonade, chewing gum, lollipops (preferably medicinal) from doctors on prescription and only then any other medicines, after being carefully consulted.

5. Parents should let doctors decide what to recommendso as not to desperately ask for many, many medicines, vitamins, supplements and sports exemptions for their children.

A common cold doesn’t go away for seven days, no matter how many syrups, sprays, supplements we put in…

Dear parents, if you ask again, ask for optional vaccinations to protect your children and for diseases for which the Romanian state does not do it and ask the doctor to teach you what are the warning signs and what is the limit up to which you can decide for yourself when you have a cold baby!

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