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A beautiful talk to Kim Yeon-kyung… “A person who really values ​​people”

[엑스포츠뉴스 김희웅 인턴기자] The talk about Kim Yeon-kyung, a member of Heungkuk Life Insurance, has become a hot topic.

On the 21st, a netizen posted a post on the online community with the title of’I expose Kim Yeon-kyung’. It was a story that warmed my heart.

In this article, author A revealed that he was a player in other sports, not volleyball. As a member, he was a talented and recognized star.”

“(At the time) I was embarrassed because I was a high school student, so it was difficult to approach Kim Yeon-kyung, so I was just paying attention. At that time, Kim Yeon-kyung bought a box of bananas, a box of pineapples, and a lot of ice cream to eat. He wrote, “We approached first and played volleyball together, and we played with the sport we play.”

The relationship between the author and Kim Yeon-kyung was not over. A few months later, he was hospitalized after surgery due to a major injury. In difficult times, Kim Yeon-kyung reached out to him.

Mr. A said, “I felt like the whole world was over because I was injured so much that I could not continue my career as a player, and it was so hard that I wanted to die.” I bought an expensive ice cream, fruit, and porridge. Even at the time, it was so famous that all the people in the hospital were male and female, and my mother was also staring at me with her mouth open.”

I also thanked Kim Yeon-kyung. He said, “Kim Yeon-gyeong gave my mother a lot of fun and fun talking to my mother as well. (Thanks) I did my best to rehabilitate without further negative thoughts, so I am really grateful if I still think about that time.”

In some ways, it may be a small relationship, but Kim Yeon-kyung did her best in the relationship and the relationship continued. The author said, “Even during rehabilitation, Kim Yeon-kyung bought beef and supported me. Afterwards, when I went to see volleyball, I called my name and took a picture. He added that he really values ​​people.”

The author said, “I think that my juniors and acquaintances of volleyball players will value me more because I am a poor high school student with a different sport because I am an athlete junior. I will pray that these cases will be resolved well, and Kim Yeon-kyung will finish the season well without injury.”

[email protected] / Photo = X-Sports News DB

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