Home » today » Business » A. Babie’s last payment: 1250 K for electricity and gas for households. Will the pension be dropped from the helicopter?

A. Babie’s last payment: 1250 K for electricity and gas for households. Will the pension be dropped from the helicopter?

Energy situation in Europe, but it is also deteriorating in Asia. Nkte et supplier election a gas domcnostem u they reported autumn health and almost fifty percent.

The government is at peace Andreje Babie, which will answer the last pre-election days of his day, so he comes up with a full way to help Czech households. During the public pre-election television debate, the Prime Minister stated that together with the Minister mind a trade Karel Havlek prepared a program, in which he received the cad esk domcnost 1250 crown at the castle
energy. According to the prime minister, it would patent woven 4.3 million households. In such a case, the public treasury would cost about 5.4 billion crown.

Source: CNN Prima NEWS

Pig bag on tv svj zmr presented only vgn. For example, a household in R operated at 4.3 million, while according to S, the number of households was close to 4.5 million. According to two proposals subsidy on energy should weave only about 800 thousand households.

So I don’t care, for pspvek on energy should disappoint all households, including those financially very situated. Only one rational explanation is offered: the government does not want to lose time, pp. to involve ednick apart more intensively in order to distinguish between households that have the support to achieve and households that do not. Then I see her patent spe pipomn pensions dropped from a helicopter. It is impossible to avoid the impression that this is a hastily taken proposal that can be run before elections population calm down, e
Pig her, what are those annoying energy, don’t leave it on the holes.

The premier thus buys a slowdown in the decline of preferences in the last default week for five and six billion pensions. According to several pre-election surveys move YES in the last year, msci lost a few percentage points of preferences, hand in hand with the fact that the undecided election has been more vigorous towards its political competition.

Energy crisis in Europe it continues to deteriorate. The crisis has actually engulfed the north of the old continent. Especially in Norway, there is a fatal shortage election from water sources. This year, there is a shortage in the country water, which is not so successful hydroelektrrnm. Cel Skandinvie tak zakou dopad svho odstavovn fossilnch electrren
in recent years. Lack election vyrbn z water contributed to further deterioration of the energy situation in customs Europe, which will give her a fatal shortcoming gaswhich breaks through production election.

Luke Kovanda, Ph.D.

Nrodn ekonomick rada vldy (NERV)

Chief Economist, Trinity Bank


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