Home » today » News » A 16-year-old boy was stabbed with a knife in Sofia, there are inmates – Accidents – Bulgaria – NOVA news

A 16-year-old boy was stabbed with a knife in Sofia, there are inmates – Accidents – Bulgaria – NOVA news


The circumstances and reasons that led to the accident are clarified

A 16-year-old boy was stabbed with a knife in the center of Sofia. It happened yesterday afternoon in “Pirotska” street, the Interior Ministry explained to NOVA.

Initially, the detainees were two men: Arab refugees, NOVA learned from its sources. One of them is a minor.

One of the detainees, a Syrian, remains in custody for 72 hours, the prosecutor confirmed. The court will ask for his permanent arrest on Monday.

According to those familiar with the investigation, the reason for the stabbing was because of a girl.

The prisoner and the wounded knew each other, they came from two companies that went out together.

The injured boy is a Bulgarian of Roma origin. He was admitted to the “Pirogov” hospital with moderate physical injuries (intestinal perforation). Now he is in good condition. The reasons for the attack are being clarified.

An investigative case has been opened.

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