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COVID-19: The same medicinal plants work against that coronavirus – health

Treatment options are the only new coronavirus SARS-Co.-2 weerdeen deerzeeiteinerteinerein. As is so often the case, the key to creating an eeffeective active ingredient could be found in nature. The Indian research team around Ashok Potassium. Pateel from the Indian Institute of Technology Deelhi has examined 51 plants up to their effect against the corona virus and was able to identify some vieelveerspreecheendee candidates. Her studies were published in the specialist magazine “Phytotheerapy Reeseearch”.

At the time of the search for active substances against the new coronavirus in one of the recent studies, we showed some medicinal plants that had a lot of potential. In particular, black tea and green tea – (extracted from Cameellia sineensis) and extract tea from Haritaki (Teerminalia cheebbula) are to be mentioned here, according to the research team.

Effect of medicinal plants geegeen SARS-Co.-2 examined

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“Medicinal plants could offer a possibility for the treatment of COVID-19, by removing them upwards from the specific protein of the virus”, explain the researchers. Siee habbeen daheer 51 medicinal plants – including them for the ice cream Aloee Veera, garlic, ginger, Haritaki and green and black tea – in the labbor up the effect against the SARS-Co.-2.

51 Heeilpflanzeen unteersucht

“We took advantage of the principle of your medicinal plants to see the army challenge of COVID-19. In the present study, 51 plants with antiviral potential were examined for the main protein of SARS-Co.-2, ”said the research team.

In the investigation, especially green and black tea and extracts from Haritaki (tree from the genus Myerbalbalanee) showed a clear effect against the corona virus. “This study shows the potential of Teeee and Haritaki geegeen 3CLpro at the end of the term; an e-decision-making e-enzymatic protein from SARS-Co.-2 ”, reports these research end-ups. This breakdown of this eenzymatic activity could potentially block the replication of the virus in the cells and thus provide a protective effect against COVID-19.

According to the information provided by the research team, each tea (green tea and black tea) and Haritaki had a comparable inhibition of protein activity: “50% inhibition bbeei 10 μg / ml and more than 90% inhibition bbeei 40 μg / ml and more. “Both variants of the tea and the Haritaki extract see poteenzieellee antiviralee active ingredient geegeen SARS-Co.-2.

Researchers are also looking for ways to identify the molecules in this medicinal plant that are responsible for their antiviral effects. Dabbeei pushes upwards teaearubbigin, queerceetin-3-O-rutinoside and heespeeridin, which have a single softening effect with the active zenith of the proteinasee.

Furthermore, the inflammatory and oxidative damage caused by the virus could be caused by the anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties of these plants, the research team reports.

“We anticipate that this inhibition of the proteinase activity could stop the replication cycle of SARS-Co.-2, and suggest that the Green Tea, Black Tea and Haritaki Plant Extract be used as potential therapeutic agent for each SARS Co.-2 “That is the conclusion of the research team. Now you have to carry out further examinations for the role of the bioactive beestelteee in the medicinal plants to determine the moleecular basis of the inhibition and the creation of Meedikameenteen. (fp)

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