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7 Mistakes of Women when Caring for Female Areas

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Has become a necessity as woman to maintain the cleanliness of sex organs. Unfortunately, despite the awareness of the importance of maintaining femininity area has grown, but there are still many women who ignore it.

Women need to pay more attention to healthmiss V‘ stay awake. Not just cleaning with soap, there are still many other things to consider. Here are the mistakes in caring for the female area.

1. Shave off the pubic hair

This step is often taken by women who want to continue to look attractive wrapped in a bikini when going to the beach. Unwittingly, shaving off fine hair around the pubic becomes a mistake.

Quoted from Women Weekly, hair that grows in the female area actually serves to protect from infection. The presence of hair is a natural way to ensure that the fine folds of the female sex organs do not stick together.

In addition, hair also prevents bacteria from entering which can cause urinary tract infections. The process of removing pubic hair can cause irritation and infection.

2. Using scented soap

Scented soap or cleanser can disrupt the balance of acidity (pH) in the body which can even cause fungal infections. Fragrant in special tissues and deodorants’miss v‘can also cause skin irritation.

Therefore, you are advised to read the label on the product before buying. As a guideline, special products in the area of ​​womanhood must be free of alcohol, artificial scents, sulfates and parabens.

If you are still in doubt, consult your doctor before trying products that are safe to use.

3. Soap contains synthetic chemicals

Basically soaps and other cleansers use synthetic chemicals in their products. But the soap cannot be used for female sex organs.

Quoting Bustle, soap containing synthetic chemicals can kill all bacteria. This can also make the bacteria needed by the body to be ‘crushed’.

In addition, there are those who think that soap with synthetic chemicals can interfere with hormones. Because the female sex organs are so delicate and easy to absorb, making chemicals easily enter the body.


4. Cleaning with ‘douching’

Douching‘is a technique to clean the inside of the female sex organs by inserting certain tools. This method you need to avoid.

This cleaning technique can disrupt the natural pH balance in the female sex organs. Good bacteria that live in the vaginal canal can be killed.

Worse, ‘douching‘can push unwanted bacteria further into the vaginal canal which can cause infection.

Instead of doing ‘douching‘, You are advised to consult with your doctor to find out the cause of the unpleasant odor in the female sex organs.

5. Forget to poop after making love

Urination functions to remove bacteria that are not needed by the body, especially in the urethra. Urinating after sex is very important to remove anything that is still stuck in the urethra.

The presence of bacteria in the body can only cause urinary tract infections. Not only painful, but also can be dangerous if not treated.

6. Too often cleaned

Mistake of womenfolk in caring for the female area is too often clean. Too often can kill good bacteria that maintain vaginal health, without giving time to rebalance them. You only need to clean the female sex organs once a day.

7. Take too long a bath

You are not advised to take a shower for too long. In addition to reducing moisture levels in the skin, the habit can also make female sex organs more susceptible to fungal infections.

(auz / asr)

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