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Health recipe | Time to take a dietary supplement …

Multivitamins, probiotics, magnesium, calcium and omega-3 lutein are the most commonly consumed dietary supplements in Korea. It’s good to get the nutrients you need, but you can expect the effect if you eat it at the right time. This is because each dietary supplement has a different absorption rate.

▶ Before meals → B vitamins, lactic bacteria, iron

The vitamin B group consists of eight water-soluble vitamins, B1 to B12, which improve immunity and eliminate toxins accumulated in the body during the night. It also prevents fatigue and lethargy by preventing the accumulation of lactic acid which causes muscle fatigue. The absorption rate of the B vitamin decreases when it comes into contact with the oily component of food, so it is best to consume it on an empty stomach.

Lactobacillus is also on an empty stomach. Lactobacillus breaks down sugar and produces lactic acid to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, thereby boosting immunity. It is important for these lactic acid bacteria to reach the gut alive, but due to the nature of the lactic acid bacteria, they easily die when they encounter stomach acid or bile acid. Therefore, it is effective to eat it in the morning when gastric acid secretion is relatively low and before a meal when gastric acid secretion is promoted for digestion.

Take iron supplements on an empty stomach. Iron produces hemoglobin, an oxygen carrier. Iron deficiency causes symptoms such as anemia, muscle twitching, fatigue, and weakened immunity. Iron absorption decreases when taken with food, so it should be taken on an empty stomach. However, if you have a weak stomach or frequent stomach upset, it is best to take it after meals.

▶ After meals → Multivitamin, vitamin C, omega 3

Multivitamins, Koreans’ preferred dietary supplement, should be taken before or after meals, depending on the main ingredients. If vitamins are the main ingredient, they should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning for better absorption. Vitamin C removes free radicals and strengthens aging and immunity, but it promotes the secretion of stomach acid and can cause heartburn or gastrointestinal upset, so it is convenient to take it after meals.

The omega 3 you consume for brain health is fat soluble, so when you eat it with the fat component of food, the absorption rate increases. Therefore, it is best to take it immediately after a meal. Lutein, taken for eye health, is also a fat-soluble vitamin. Absorption increases when taken with fatty foods, so take it after a meal. It is especially good after breakfast, as it reduces damage to the macula during the day from UV rays. The same goes for vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin K.

▶ Evening → Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin C, Omega 3

The important thing our body does during the night is to recover from fatigue and regenerate cells. For this, a good night’s sleep is essential and the representative nutrients that help you sleep well are calcium and magnesium. Magnesium suppresses brain arousal, calms arousal, relaxes the nerves and lowers the levels of the stress hormone cortisol to induce deep sleep. Calcium is best absorbed when mixed with stomach acid, so it’s good to eat after meals, and it’s good to eat at night because it relieves stress and helps you sleep.

Vitamin C and omega 3, which are excellent in antioxidant and fatigue recovery functions, are better consumed in the evening than in the morning, and are best consumed after dinner. The antioxidant effect is maximized between 10pm and 2am, because it can promote antioxidant function when consumed after dinner.

[글 송이령(프리랜서) 사진 언스플래시]

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