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8 Benefits of Having Sex for Health, Apart from Pregnancy All

KOMPAS.com – Having sex with a partner turns out to have wider health benefits, besides pregnancy.

Collect Medical News Todaya 2016 study looked at the potential health benefits of sex with a partner (penis-vaginal intercourse).

That is, the benefits of the relationship six here is not for those who like to change sexual partners. Instead, it can increase the risk of diseases, such as sexually transmitted infections.

Also read: 5 Tips for Safe Sex After C-section

Couples have sex generally for pregnancy or procreation, but scientific research has highlighted some other possible benefits, including the following:

1. Boost the immune system

Collect Medical News Today, some early research found that benefits of sex regularly can increase the effectiveness of the body’s immune system.

Definition of often have sex according to the researchers here is 1-2 times every week.

Couples who have frequent sex have more immunoglobin A (IgA) in their system than others.

IgA is an antibody that lives in mucosal tissues, such as the salivary glands, nose, and vaginal tissues.

2. Relieve stress

Collect Medical News Today, The benefit of having sex with a partner is that it can be a natural way to relieve stress.

A 2019 study looked at the effect that intimacy can have on cortisol levels.

Cortisol is a steroid hormone that circulates in the body in response to stress.

The researchers found that the expression of intimacy, whether sexual or not, helped restore cortisol levels in both men and women within the normal range.

Six triggers the release of oxytocin, endorphins, and other “feel good” hormones, which may be responsible for the stress-reducing effect.

Also read: Get to know the Vaginal Septum, an Abnormality That Triggers Pain During Sex

3. Reduces the risk of prostate cancer

Collect Medical News Today, a preliminary study in 2004, found that high frequency of sex can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

This study investigated the frequency of sexual intercourse of nearly 30,000 men.

They concluded that there is a benefit to having sex to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Those who have sex more than 21 times per month have a lower risk of prostate cancer than men who only ejaculate 4-7 times per month.

In 2016, researchers extended this study by 10 years to continue their research on participants’ risk of developing prostate cancer.

This further study confirmed the initial findings.

Also read: Can Women Get Pregnant After First Sex?

4. Improve sleep quality

Collect Medical News Today, sex has hormonal benefits for sleep, according to National Sleep Foundation.

The same hormones that reduce stress and anxiety are also responsible for causing the urge to sleep.

Sex causes the release of oxytocin (a hormone for reproduction and relationships), dopamine (a hormone for emotion, movement, the sensation of pleasure), and endorphins (a hormone of happiness and pain relief) throughout the body.

After a person has an orgasm, another hormone called prolactin begins to circulate. Prolactin induces feelings of satisfaction and relaxation.

So, most couples after sex can sleep soundly.

5. Reduce pain

Collect WebMD, the benefits of enjoyable sex can also reduce pain due to hormones released during orgasm.

“Orgasms can block pain,” says Barry R Komisaruk, a distinguished professor of services at Rutgers, New Jersey State University.

Sex releases hormones that help increase your pain threshold.

Sexual penetration without an orgasm can also help reduce the pain.

“We have found that vaginal stimulation can block chronic back and leg pain,” says Komisaruk.

Many cases also say that genital stimulation can reduce menstrual cramps, arthritic pain, and in some cases even headaches.

Also read: What to Know About Sex During Pregnancy

6. Burn calories

Collect WebMDthe benefits of sex can be equated with sports because it can burn calories.

“Sex is an excellent form of exercise,” says Joseph J Pinzone, CEO and medical director of Amai Wellness.

This intimate activity can increase heart rate and muscle movement.

“Like exercise, consistency helps maximize its benefits (burning calories),” explains Pinzone.

Sex usually uses about 5 calories per minute, 4 calories more than sitting still watching TV.

Collect Everyday Healtha small study published in October 2013 in the journal PLoS One showed that men burned an average of 4 calories per minute during a sex session that averaged 25 minutes.

Meanwhile, women burn 3 calories per minute during the same sex session.

This type of sport can be much more fun than working hard above treadmill.

Also read: Knowing Vulvodynia, Causes Sex to Feel Painful

7. Lowering blood pressure

Collect WebMDresearch shows that another benefit of sex is that it can lower blood pressure.

“One important study found that sexual intercourse specifically (not masturbation) lowered systolic blood pressure,” says Pinzone.

Collect Medical News Todaya 2016 study measured blood pressure as a marker of heart health.

8. Lowers the risk of heart attack

Collect WebMD, The benefits of sex can reduce the risk of heart attack because it can increase your heart rate and help maintain a balance between your estrogen and testosterone levels.

“When one of those is low, you start to get a lot of problems, like osteoporosis and even heart disease,” says Pinzone.

One study showed that men who had sex at least twice a week had a lower risk of dying from heart disease than men who had sex less often.

Also read: Myth Or Fact, Too Often Sex Makes Vagina Loose?

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