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The characteristics of the loose chain of keteng, its function and the adverse effects that occur

You can feel the characteristics of a loose keteng chain when you drive it. There are some signs that you should pay attention to from the start. This is considering the many problems that can occur on motorcycles.

Moreover, each component has a different period of use and maintenance. This shows that you must be able to maintain each component so that it can work optimally.

The keteng chain is one of the most important components. You also have to pay special attention to these components.

If there is a problem, there are many things that can happen. It’s good if you also need to know the characteristics of a loose chain. The loose chain on the motor matic can be seen from the symptoms it causes.

When the engine is still cold you can see the symptoms clearly. The way to detect it is when you turn on the automatic motorcycle engine and leave it in sluggish condition.

When the condition of the chain is loose, there will certainly be a noise like the sound of tek-tek. The symptoms caused by this will be very clear.

To overcome this condition, you must be able to do regular checks.

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Characteristics of the Keteng Chain Loose Motor Matic

Usually, motorcycle owners will feel discomfort when one component has a problem. As well as a foreign sound appears from the cylinder block.

If left alone, the sound will be clearer. The engine sound will be rough. If you experience this condition, it is better to maintain the stability of the motorcycle.

Automatic motors that have experienced this should not take it aggressively. For example, do a sudden acceleration or deceleration.

It can be concluded that if the keteng chain is loose, it can be characterized by the appearance of a sound on the cylinder block. If you have experienced this, you should do proper checks and treatment.

Do not let you just let it pose a serious risk. Even until the chain breaks which is fatal.

In addition to the appearance of a rough sound, another characteristic is that the engine feels less comfortable.

If the chain is damaged, it will cause the valve opening and closing process to be abnormal. The combustion process will also not run perfectly.

Also Read: The Causes of Motorcycle Chains Often Loose, One of them is due to slack

How to find out if the chain is in trouble

Actually, to find out the characteristics of a loose chain, you can hear it directly and feel it when you drive your motorcycle. To check whether it is damaged or not, you can do it when you warm up the motor.

You can warm up for about 10-15 minutes. If it takes that long, a loud sound like tek-tek appears, indicating that the chain is broken.

However, if the sound appears from the start but gradually disappears, it indicates that the motor oil part that needs to be replaced, not the keteng chain component pad.

Usually the service life of the keteng chain is approximately 3-5 years. Because the period of use is long enough to cause the chain to wear out.

Keteng Chain Function

You can feel the characteristics of the loose keteng chain. But do you know what exactly is the function of these components? Actually there are still many people who do not know the components of the keteng chain.

Because the keteng chain is usually known as the kamprat chain. The function of the keteng chain is to be a distributor of labor from crutches to noken as.

After obtaining copper from the chain, the camshaft will channel it back to open and close the valve. Valve for gas entering and exiting the engine combustion chamber.

The shape of this component is the same as a chain in general. It’s just that there are differences in terms of size, which are smaller with different threads.

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The Impact of Loose Chains

Because its function is quite important, it is better to check and maintain it properly. If the chain is loosened, it’s time to fix it.

Because, there are bad effects that can occur. If the chain is slack, it will fall out of the gear or track.

As a result, components will be damaged, be it engine parts until the pistons break or have holes.

If you want to replace it, it’s best to replace all components to maintain its durability.

When you feel the characteristics of the loose chain link, immediately get checked. So that bad effects will not occur. (R10/HR-Online)

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